Writing 101: Finding Your Inspiration; Day Two: Write A List

Today’s assignment for Writing 101: Finding Your Inspiration is to write a list. The three list of “topics” to choose from are as follows: Things I Like; Things I’ve Learned; and Things I Wish. The list I choose to make a list about is Things I’ve Learned.


  1. The only person I have control over is myself.
  2. Don’t take life too seriously and it’s okay to laugh at ourselves.
  3. Not everyone is going to like me.
  4. Not everyone is going to understand or want to understand what it is like to live with a mental illness.
  5. Recovery is difficult but well worth it (and a lot more fun).
  6. Everyone’s recovery looks different.
  7. No matter how annoying it is to do my DBT skills at times they help a great deal and don’t make the situation worse.
  8. When life gives you lemons make lemonade then throw the peals.
  9. Take time for myself.
  10. Have fun!!!
  11. Spend time with the people you care about. You don’t know when their time (or yours) will be up.
  12. Don’t judge others. You don’t know what they may be going though.
  13. Read as much as you can.
  14. Know when to walk away
  15. Learn as much as I can, you never know when you will need the information you learn.. It’s fun to learn things even if it just a random thing.
  16. You can learn something from everybody.

I can go and on with this particular list. I love to learn. All the stuff in the above list, I learned from life itself and not books. Book learning isn’t always what it is cracked up to be.

Thank you for reading. Hope you have learned something about me with this list. I hope I didn’t bore you all with my list. Have a good day. Peace Out!!!

2 responses to “Writing 101: Finding Your Inspiration; Day Two: Write A List

  1. Love the list. When I was batting deep depression, it took a lot out of me. As the years went by, counseling, and being strong for my daughter, I’ve bounced back. Some days are still hard, but I remembered how far I came. Thanks for sharing and keep inspiring.

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