Therapy & Job Opportunities

Good Evening, World!!! Today, I had therapy with Gilbert. We discussed how I have been improving with my mental health. He agrees that things are going well and that he see’s that I’ve been working like hell to get back to my baseline. We also discussed how we both think that it would be wise for me to go back to work.

Which leads me to my next topic of job opportunities. I applied to multiple jobs and had an interview yesterday and have three next week. I’m looking forward to the interviews next week. One is at my previous employer and will be interviewing for two jobs at the same time. The other job interview is going to be at an agency that is pro peer. Which is really good.

Thank you for reading my blog. Have a great evening everyone. Peace Out, World!!

Depression & Sports

Good Evening, World!!! I am so ready for spring. Mainly because of baseball season. I am a huge baseball fan.  I love baseball.

As much as I love baseball at least I have some other sporting events that will be helping me through. I’ll be watching the Winter Olympics along with the rest of the world. The Olympics bring the world together even for a few short weeks. I wish the world could get together everyday of the year like it does doing the Olympics.

Sports helps me with my depression. It helps me get out of my own head even for a few hours. Sort of like how the Olympics bring the world together even for a few short weeks ever four years.

Thank you for reading. I hope everyone has a good evening. Peace Out, World!!!

Waking Up Depressed

Good Morning, World!!! I woke up depressed this morning. Waking up depressed just has me being acutely aware of what I need to do to be actively acting in my recovery.

Knowing that waking up depressed can put me in a tailspin, I have to be aware on what I need to do to not end up in a tailspin. So I started with my usual morning routine by having some tea and reading the news paper. I then made myself some breakfast. I made myself some French toast and scrambled eggs. I enjoyed my breakfast.

After enjoying my breakfast I decided to do some art. I mainly colored and collaging. Coloring helps me a great deal. As mention I did some collaging. I ended collaging three poems. I love when I am able to be creative like that.

Collaging reminded me that reading helps as well. So I read a few chapters in my book. I really am enjoying the book. A book that has helped me get out of my head.

Speaking of get out, I need to get going. I have to get ready as I have therapy today. Have a great day everyone. Peace Out, World!!!

Middle of the Night Ramblings

Hello, World!!! I am tired and really should try to get some sleep. I’ve been up worrying about my grandma. She’s in critical condition at a local hospital. She had a procedure done to put her heart back into a normal rhythm and now she is on a ventilator. The procedure is done without a hitch a great deal of the time but because my grandma has Parkinson’s and her age it got complicated. My grandma is a strong woman and I know she will do what is best for her to make it through. She is my hero.

I know whatever happens to my grandma, she would want me to continue being the person I am despite her “not being a big fan” of my purple hair. I had a phone interview with a mental health agency for a peer support position. I have a second interview with them in person this Friday. I also have another in person interview at a different agency next Tuesday. I’m looking forward to getting back to work.

I need to get going and try to get some sleep. I hope everyone sleeps well tonight. Thanks, for reading my blog. Peace Out, World!!!

Poetry; Day Six: Screens

Untitled Poem

by Gertie

At first its like a movie. A movie that wont stop.

A movie that cant be put on pause.

A movie that makes you feel like you a re-experiencing what’s in the movie.

A re-experience nobody wants to deal with to begin with.


A Day of Information

Good Morning, World!!! Today is a going to be a day of “information” for those of us that live in the United States. What I mean by that is that this evening is the State of the Union address. I rarely watch them because its the same bullshit every year.

Something that won’t be the same bullshit for me today is that I will be having a phone interview. I’ve never had a phone interview before and hope that I do well on the interview. It’s for a peer specialist job. I am looking forward to the future and have hope.

Having hope is a major deal for everyone especially for those who are in recovery. Recovery is something that is really important for me. Being in recovery no matter how tough it may be is well worth it. It means I’m living a life worth living.

Thank you for reading. Peace, Out World!!!

Using Skills To Help Me Through

Good Evening, World!! I’m just getting home from a busy afternoon and evening. I first went and saw my therapist, Gilbert. I am slowly starting to trust him. We discussed how things are changing once again with my treatment team and I’m not sure if I’m okay with it but its something I’ll have to get use to.

We also discussed my grandma and how she is in the hospital. She is in the hospital due to Parkinson’s related health issues. She will be going into hospice care within the next few months and my dad isn’t taking it all that well. My dad is a mama’s boy. Its difficult knowing that my grandma may not make it to the end of 2018.

I should get going and eat dinner. I hope everyone has a wonderful work week. Peace Out, World!!!

Poetry; Day Five: Imperfect

Untitled Poem

by Gertie

Looking at the their arms.

Arms that look like railroad tracks.

Arms that aren’t suppose to look like a railroad track but do.

Sadly the scars have others stare.

Fortunately, the scars have help with being an advocate

An advocate for those who have no voice.

A Strange Request at a Piano Bar

As part of a local carnival it is tradition to have a Piano Bar. A tradition nobody can comprehend how it came about to be a tradition as having a Piano Bar can make it quite awkward at times.

It becomes awkward at times because a juvenile or two would be having fun at the carnival yet let themselves into the piano bar despite being underage to have alcohol. The juveniles would go into the bar wearing mask asking for an oxidation of an alcoholic drink that included an apple flavoring. On occassion the underage juveniles would be able to get the drink.

This casued a great deal of controversy as when the juneviles would get drunk they would start twirling around and ended up getting a sprained ankle as they would fall into a sassafras tree. This was controversy due to the fact that nobody wanted to be responsible for a juvenile being drunk and injured.