A Blasé Type of Day

Hello, World!!! It has been a blasé type of day.  More or less it has been a boring ass day with appointments that got me in late or didn’t even happen or barely even happened. Lets start with the first appointment with the oral surgeon. I had an appointment with him today as he needed to check the roof of my mouth as it had reopened he needed to to stitch back up so this was just a follow up to that. Unfortunately, he was a no show due to family emergency. I then went to my appointment for my dentures. He was running behind with his appointments which is rare for him. I then went to the mental health agency I am a client of to hang out at the day treatment program before my appointment with my therapist. Ten minutes after I arrive my therapist calls me on my cell phone saying he would have to cancel our appointment due to overbooking. I informed him I was already there and he was able to fit me in for a forty minute session instead of an hour session but at least I had an appointment. I am thanking my lucky stars that I was there or I wouldn’t have had a session at all.

After my appointments, I decided come home. When I got home I played with my cat and had some snuggle time with her. Lil Gertie, my cat, has been quite helpful today as well in recent days. Hell, she has been quite helpful to me since day one. I don’t regret getting her at all as she has been a life saver for me especially in regards to my mental health.

After spending some quality time with my cat, I decided to take a nap. A nap that helped me feel more rested. I do think that nap I took will prevent me from sleeping well tonight which is not a good thing. As you know if you read my blog regularly, sleep does not come easily to me. So, I really hope I get some sleep tonight even though I don’t have anything going on tomorrow.

Before I finish this post, I would like to ask you a favor and remind you all of something. As you may have noticed, I have advertisements on my blog. The advertisements help me earn extra money. There is one thing to the advertisements and that is people must click on the advertisements for me to make money from them. I don’t make much money from the advertisements.  I only make up to four cents per ad but that is four cents I didn’t have before. The unfortunate part in all this is I can’t collect the money till I hit a $100 and I am at $90 so if you can so kindly click on the ads it would be greatly appreciated.

I don’t have much more to say. I want to thank you for reading blog as it is greatly appreciated from my end of things. I hope to blog again later tonight if I am unable to sleep. Have a wonderful rest of your Thursday. Again, thank you for reading my blog. Peace Out, World!!!

Slept the Day Away

Good Evening, World!!! If you read my last post you already know that I did not sleep at all last night. I did end up sleeping today. In fact I pretty much slept the day away. I haven’t done much today as I have only been up for almost two hours. I am not sure if I will get sleep tonight but I sure in the hell hope I get some. Having insomnia sucks.

Anyway, since I have been up, worked on my workbook, The Artist Way. It is extremely challenging. Part of the workbook activities is to journal three pages daily. Doesn’t have to be about anything specific just as long as it is everyday. The other suggested things the work has me doing is challenging as well. Once I am done with the first chapter, I will hopefully remember to inform you on what I learn. I hope to do this which chapter.

The journaling part of the work books a good thing for me as it has me getting into a good practice of self care. I feel like journaling is good self care. Self care is extremely important for everyone especially for those who struggle with a mental health challenge.

As fun self care act I do for myself almost everyday is some form of art. Usually, it is painting, coloring or collaging. Sometimes I even mix the genre of collaging and painting together. Now that is fun or at least it is for me. Art is a great form of self care for me.

I am thinking that I now need to fix me some food as I haven’t really eaten all day. Unless you count having a banana and Pepsi this morning. I need to fix me an actual meal. I am not sure what I am going fix myself for dinner but I need some food in my hungry tummy.

I do not have much more to say. I do want to thank you for reading my blog. It is greatly appreciated from my end of things. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for reading my blog. Have a great evening everyone. Peace Out, World!!!

A Sleepless in Seattle Type of Night

Good Morning, World!!! It is barely six forty five in the morning in my corner of the world and I have not been to sleep yet despite many attempts at sleep. I even took my as need (PRN) sleeping pill and that didn’t even work. I am annoyed that my sleep in inconsistent and that there is much my psych doctor and regular doctor can do except refer me a sleep study. I was referred yet I am unable to make an appointment due to the fact the medical review board at the office I was referred to has to review the referral first which make now sense to me especially since they haven’t even notified my insurance yet. I guess, I just want to figure out why I am not sleeping and am at a loss on what to do as the one thing that could possibly give any ideas has to review the referral and that could take up to six weeks which mean my insurance wont pay for it. I have to have an appointment scheduled within the first four weeks of the referral or my insurance won’t pay for it. And that frustration is whole other story I won’t even get into.

One of the things I have done to entertain myself was watch the Umbrella Academy. I am not finished with the season yet but it is getting extremely interesting. I am finding it very intriguing and entertaining. I am hoping to finish season one by the time Friday comes around.

The other thing that helped me get through yet another sleepless night is reading. I read comic books. Not just any comic books. I read Wonder Woman comic books. I love Wonder Woman. In fact I collect Wonder Woman comics as it is a hobby of mine. It is not just only a hobby but reading them is also a skill that helps me with challenging times. I read Wonder Woman comic books even when I am not having challenging times.

I am now watching the morning news. Not very much going on in the news that I am really interested with the exception of the weather. Everything else in the news in pretty bleak. The news is so freaking depressing.

I do not have much else to say. I just hope that when I attempt to go back to bed that I can actually fall asleep. Sleep is extremely important to ones mental health. I should get going so I can try to get some sleep since I didn’t have a wink of sleep all night. Thank you for reading my blog. It is greatly appreciated.  Have a wonderful Wednesday. Peace Out, World!!!

Words to the Emotions

Hello, World!!! I didn’t do much of anything for a good portion of the day. I did go in for a meeting with the supervisor for the peer run help line I volunteer for. They wanted to “check in” with me because they got information from the crisis line that I had been calling frequently as well as the peer run help line I volunteer on. They said “it sound a lot like you.” I informed this person it was not me and asked him seriously, “why would I call the crisis line or this line when I have a distinctive and unique voice?” He replied “I don’t know why you would.” I informed him that I did not call the crisis line the peer run help line however I did call the after hours crisis team of the agency I am a client of on Valentines Day due to the anniversary of my grandma’s death. I went to show him my phone to prove to him I didn’t and I offered to sign an ROI for him to talk to my therapist. He declined both and said “I am at a loss of what to day.” More or less I validated him that he was in a tough spot no knowing who to believe. So, he is “cautiously” letting me back to volunteering on the help line for a handful of reasons. I guess, I am bothered that he thinks that I have been calling both lines but I understand him wanting to “check in” to make sure I was doing well. I just can’t get out of my head that I am being told that I am call helps lines when I am not but this is something I need to stop ruminating over as I was told I could go back to volunteering.

When I got home from my meeting I decided to paint. I decided to paint due to the mixture of emotions I was dealing with in regards to the meeting. It helped me get the emotion out that needed to get out. It helped me realize that I needed to find the words for my emotions.

That is when I decided to journal. Granted, I am still trying to find the right words to put to my emotions but journaling did help. In fact it helped a great deal just like the painting did.

I do not have much more to say except I am grateful that the supervisor is letting me back to volunteer. I hope everyone has a great rest of their evening and night. Peace Out, World!!!

Bump In The Road

Good Afternoon, World!!! It hasn’t been the easiest of weeks for me emotionally. Having dealt with the one year anniversary of my grandma’s death just over a week ago is challenging enough but when other shit pops up makes it that much more challenging. Granted it is small shit but it is a bunch of small shit that has been building. Sadly, some of the small shit involves family. Specifically my mom and brother. I love them both but when I can’t get both side of the story, I can’t give the “advice” my mom wants me to give her. Anyway, there is other small shit that I won’t bring up but the mom and brother shit has been the most challenging as my mom won’t let up.

Anyway, when I saw my therapist for our scheduled appointment on Tuesday we discussed what was going on and he said “this doesn’t appear to be a crisis but just a bump in the road” and I have to agree with him. We discussed how the anniversary of my grandma’s death and all the small shit that has been building has increased my urges to self harm. We, of course discussed ways for me to keep myself from harming myself when the self harm urges get strong. Before my session with my therapist ended on Tuesday we made a “check-in appointment” for yesterday (Friday) to see how things were going. I of course went to the appointment and we did a check-in. We discussed plans for the weekend as well as ways to manage self harm urges. During my “check-in” session with my therapist, I brought up the fact that one of the things I would be doing was binge watching a Netflix show called The Umbrella Academy as I watched the first show on Thursday. I found out that he binged watched it with his wife and loved it. In fact one of the things my therapist is having me do this weekend when I watch Umbrella Academy is to write a paragraph or two on each show. I am not exactly sure why he is having me do this but I am thinking he seeing how some things can be beneficial  to me.

In fact last night (Friday) re-watched the first episode and did what my therapist wanted me to do. I also watched episodes two and three. I am really enjoying the show. In fact it is a show that is up my alley. The cool thing about it is when I watched the first episode on Thursday, I have discussed it with various people and I didn’t realize how popular it was. The best part of it being a popular show is that I didn’t start watching it because everyone was watching as I didn’t realize that most people I know were watching it as well.

One of the things I have been doing this weekend thus far is some art. In fact I am working on a piece of art work for a friend of mine as a birthday present. His birthday is the day after mine. I am painting him something as he is the one who got me into painting. It is not a big painting but a painting that I think he will enjoy and appreciate.

The other things I have been doing is a workbook called “The Artist Way.” In fact one of the things of the workbook is to journal everyday.  Journaling isn’t difficult but doing it everyday and it needing it to be three pages is challenging. In fact this is a workbook my therapist suggested for me to get and work on so I decided to do so. I have only been working on this workbook for a week and I find it challenging but I am also finding it helpful so far. In fact I plan to work on it some more today.

The one thing I have been doing this entire weekend except when I am watching Umbrella Academy and the news is listening to music. I have been mainly listening my Recovery Playlist but have also been listening to some emo music. Both have been quite helpful with reducing my self harm urges. Music is very soothing to the soul or at least it is for me.

I don’t have much more to say in the post. But before I end the post I want reassure everyone that I am not a risk to do any self harm acts. I am also not at risk to attempt suicide. I want to thank you for reading my blog. It is greatly appreciated. Have a great weekend. Peace Out, World!!!

An Eventful Outing

Good Afternoon, World!!! I went to the pharmacy to pick up my medicine that I pick up once a week. I have been going to the same pharmacy in my neighborhood for nearly nineteen years and have seen my fair share of characters in the store. Anyway, I was chatting with the pharmacist and pharmacy tech when we all noticed a customer get shoved to the floor by the Loss Prevention (LP) dude for “shoplifting.” When the store manager came over to see what was going on he ended up needing to look at video photo-age to make sure the person who was tackled actually took something. While doing this the LP (or security officer) sat on the person and called 911. Seattle Police showed up and by this time the store manager informs the LP dude that the person he just tackled did not take anything and now the person has a broken arm due to being tackled and trying to break their fall. Needless to say the person who got tackled was taken to the hospital and Seattle Police talked with witness’s and looked at the video. So, after I talked with the police I finally got my meds and the LP dude was getting handcuffed. I am assuming for excessive force  or something along those lines. I am not against Loss Prevention as I use to work at a grocery store for ten years but I am against LP’s putting their hands on people when it is not necessary. Same goes with the police but in this case the police actually did something right and arrested the LP dude.

After seeing all this, I realized I needed to take the long way home. By the long way home I mean taking the scenic route home for a longer walk. Walking helps me with my anxiety. After picking up my meds and an extra long walk, I decided to make me lunch. As I was eating my lunch the building fire alarm decided to malfunction once again. So, I put Lil Gertie into her carrier and we went downstairs to the lobby. As the fire department was doing what they needed to do to turn off the alarm and make sure there was no fire a couple of my neighbors decided to get into a fist fight. So, one of the firefighters got in between the two that were fighting while another called dispatch to get the police to the building. Thankfully, nobody got hurt and the police arrived quickly. Neither one of the people fighting were arrested and neither one of them wanted to press charges which I personally think both parties should have been arrested.

Now that, Lil Gertie and I are back in my apartment, Lil Gertie is curled up in her hiding place as I blog and finish eating my lunch. I should really get going and finish my lunch. I didn’t sleep well last night and need to take a nap. So, after eating, I will take a nap and try to post later on today. I hope everyone has a better day than I have had so far. Thank you for reading my blog. It is greatly appreciated. Peace Out, World!!!

The Urges To Self Harm & The Skills That Are Helping

Good Evening, World!!! I am having yet another tough moment with dealing with the one year anniversary of my grandma’s death yesterday (Thursday which was Valentines Day). My therapist and I had an hour and a half session today. I cried a bunch. We also discussed on ways I could keep myself safe for today and the rest of the weekend. We came up with the usual stuff of doing art, journaling, reading, spending time with my cat, blogging and actually starting on the workbook I have discussed in previous post. The workbook is called “The Artist Way.”  I have started reading the introduction and other such things like how to use the work book. I hope to officially start it tomorrow (Saturday) or Sunday.

Of course my therapist and I discussed what books I plan on reading and he agreed that the books I have chosen to read most likely won’t be triggering for me as they are Science Fiction and Fantasy books. He thinks that reading books will be helpful for me to get out of my head even for a moment or two. He also agrees the both blogging and journaling will be helpful for me to process the grief and depression I am dealing with in regards to my grandmas passing away and help me with other shit I am dealing with. Art of course is that skill set for me to do so I have a better way to process my emotions in ways words can not help me express. Lets not forget the affection and love my cat gives me on the daily basis even if she wakes me up at four in the morning to play or wanting food.

The workbooks and the letter to my grandma is the two things my therapist really wants me to focus on this weekend as our next session is on Tuesday. My therapist is challenging me in a good and difficult way he knows I am capable of doing at the moment. He wants to see me to continue to improve with my recovery. He is very recovery related which is a good thing in a therapist.

I do not have very much more to say in this post. I hope everyone has an awesome Friday evening and a good weekend.  I want to thank you all for reading my blog as it is greatly appreciated from my end of things. Again, thank you fro reading my blog. Peace Out, World!!!

A Complicated Valentines Day & Snow Finally Melting Away

Good Evening, World!!! The last week has been quite a week. In fact it was snowing here in the Seattle area for a good ten or so days and finally stopped yesterday. Granted it didn’t snow yesterday (Wednesday) but it was still at freezing if not below freezing outside so the snow stayed around. Now it is warm enough to melt the snow. It is currently raining in the city of Seattle. Sadly snow is could be in the forecast again this weekend which is something nobody really wants at the moment.

As many of you know, today is Valentines Day. A holiday I never liked even when I had a significant other as why do we need a special day to say “I love you.” This year is a complicated Valentines Day. Not as complicated as last year but still complicated. Today makes the one year anniversary of my grandma passing away. Today has been a difficult day for me and the rest of my family.

Sadly, I was not able to see my therapist this past Tuesday due to the agency I am a client at was closed due to the snow and was hoping to see him before today so we could come up with a plan to handle the grief I am dealing with today. He did call me yesterday and we discussed ways on how I can remember my grandma today. We even made another appointment for me to see him tomorrow (Friday) so, I can check in with him to see how things went today. In fact he did call me today as well to check in on me as he wanted to make sure I was still doing okay. I am still doing okay but I really miss my grandma. I am grateful for my therapist checking up on me and rescheduling our appointment.

I do not have much more to say in this post. I hope to be posting more but right now I am fighting off isolation and grief. I hope to post sometime this weekend. I want to thank you for reading my blog as it is greatly appreciated from my end of things. I hope everyone has a great evening. Peace Out, World!!!

The Count Down Is On

Good Evening, World!!! I can’t believe I almost forgot to post about this as today (Thursday) February 7th marks one month till my 40th birthday. I honestly did not think I would make it to my 40th birthday. I say this as I thought I would have died by suicide by the time I turned forty and have absolutely NO plans on doing so as I am in a really good place with my mental health challenges.

As much as I am thrilled that I am a month away from being forty years old, I can not help but think of all the ways that helped me get to where I am at. First and for most if it wasn’t for Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) and many years of various types of therapy including DBT, I would not be here writing this post now.  I really thought I would have died by suicide and due to many people who believed in me, I am still here.

I am beyond grateful that I am still here as I have so much I can offer this world. Yes, I have some pretty bad downs however, I now know that I can get through them with with my DBT skill and the help of my friends as well as my mental health treatment team. To me making it to forty is proof that no matter how difficult things are, you can get through it. It might seem daunting as it most certainly is at the time but just know you can make it through.

I don’t have much more to say as I just posted about twenty minutes ago on an entire different topic. Thank you so much for ready my blog as it is greatly appreciated from my end of things. I hope everyone has a good rest of their night. Peace Out, World!!!

Just Read if You Want to Know What I Said

Good Evening, World!!! I have a lot to catch you up on as a great deal has happened since I last posted. Let’s start with the employment part of my life or should I say the job seeker part of my life at the moment. Yes, I am still employed as an on call shelter counselor however it is not a job I want to be at for forever and a day. That means I have been sending out my resume’s to various places especially those who have Peer Specialist/Counselor jobs. I got call this past Tuesday from the HR person from the agency I am client of asking if I wanted an interview for one of the peer positions and I stated yes. So, I had an interview yesterday (Wednesday) and I don’t think it went all that well. I am not holding my breath on getting this position as I am a client of the agency that gave me the interview. I think it is best for all involved that I have low expectations in getting this job due to not being disappointed if I don’t get it. My employment specialist informed me that from her understanding with talking with one of the interviewers, I did a really good job at the interview and am on the bottom of the short list only because I am a client and I informed my employment specialist that I am okay with that as I understand the ethical conflict of the situation.

Other than the interview yesterday (Wednesday) and working Sunday night into Monday morning, I have not done much of anything but go see my therapist and employment specialist this past Tuesday. Mainly because it has been snowing outside and today was the first day the roads and sidewalks were decent enough to do anything. Sadly, the weather is not going to get better like it was today. Tomorrow (Friday), it suppose to start snowing again in the Seattle area. A good portion of folks that live in the Seattle area don’t do well in the snow, myself include. I really am not a big fan of the cold and snow. But I am one to say if it is cold enough to snow it might as well as snow.

Due to the snow storm that is suppose to happen this weekend I plan on not doing much of anything but hanging out at home with my cat, Lil Gertie. I figure this will be the perfect time to settle in and start on the workbook “The Artist Way” that I was telling you about a few post ago. In fact I am still assuming that it has you do art type things due to the title but I have read a little bit of the introduction and part of it requires you to do some journaling everyday which could be challenging to do daily but I am to doing it. Most of me is looking forward to it however some of me is sort of fearful of it as I am afraid of the things it will bring up. Whatever it brings up, I have a good support system in place to help me as well as my cat, Lil Gertie. In fact I am looking forward to hibernating here at home in the snowy cold weather with my cat, Lil Gertie. I don’t think there is a better way of spending wintry weather than spending it with my cat, Lil Gertie.

I do not have much more to say in this post. I do hope to post some time later tonight or tomorrow. I will keep you updated on the snowy weather here in Seattle. Thank you very much for reading my blog. It is greatly appreciated from my end of things. I hope everyone has a goodnight. Peace Out, World!!!