Writing 101: Finding Your Inspiration; Day Six: The Space To Write

My writing space and what I use to write all depends what I am exactly writing. When it comes writing in regards to my blog, I usually use my laptop. I use my laptop because it is portable. Where I write my blog is all dependent on my mood as well as what is going on during the day. For instance, I wrote my Weekly goals this morning at home before I got ready for the day. I wrote my first Blogging 201 assignment while waiting for my appointment with my psychiatric nurse practitioner. In fact as I am writing this particular post, I am on my lunch break from work at a park nearby where I work.

My writing habits vary on what I am writing. When I am writing for my blog, it all depends on what the post is about. For example, most of the daily prompts I do on Tuesdays, I write them head of time and schedule them for a time on Tuesdays. When it comes to my educational pieces I usually start them as a post when I start researching for that particular topic and then save the draft when it gets overwhelming or I don’t have the time to continue. When comes to just everyday post in sharing my story and/or recovery I just write then publish immediately.

When it comes to what I need for writing in regards to blogging, I need my laptop. If I happen to be at local park like I am now, I need to make sure my laptop is charged so I can write and publish my post. If I am someplace that has electrical outlets, I have my laptop plugged in.

Before I end this post, I would like you to take a poll for me.  It will be helpful for me for what you a looking for in my blog as well as future Writing 101 assignment. The poll is at: 

 Have a wonderful day. Peace Out!!

Blogging 201; Day One: Set Three Goals

Today is the first day of Blogging 201. The first assignment is to set up three goals for my blog. Well I am more than happy to share my goals with you, when it comes to my blog with explanation.

1)   Educate  people who don’t struggle with a mental illness. This is pretty self explanatory.

2)   Show others who struggle with a mental illness that recovery is possible and that their is hope.  With sharing my story and everyday struggles it is my hope that my story is proof that recovery is possible.

3)   To help me  with my recovery. Sharing my story and educating others ultimately helps me in my recovery process. This is in fact an unexpected goal that became a reality about six month into me being a blogger.

Thanks you for allowing me share my goals with you. I hope you enjoyed the goals I have set for my blog. Peace out!!

Weekly Goals

Happy Monday!!! As another work week starts I cant help but think how happy I am with my current career path. A career that has many possibilities and opportunities to grow in. As I think about my career, I really need to focus at the task at hand, my weekly goals. As always, I will start with how I did with last weeks goals.

1)  Read Speaker of the Dead by Orson Scott Card. Of course I read this week. Not as much as I had hoped to but I did read.

2)  Work on jigsaw puzzle. Yup, I did work on my puzzle. Only spent fifteen minutes working on it but that’s okay.

3)  Color. I most definitely colored this week. I think this is the goal that worked the most this week or at least close to it.

4)  Start Writing 101 Finding Your Inspiration. I spent a great deal of time doing this goal this week and loved it. I am enjoying it a great deal and look forward to the next three weeks of this course.

5)  Work on a self-help workbook; The Dialectical Behavior Therapy Skills Workbook by Matthew McKay, PhD., Jeffery C. Wood, PSY.D., and Jeffrey Brantley, MD. I did finish chapter two this week.

I did pretty well on my goals this past week. My goals for next week might be a little more difficult to do and am up for the challenge to work on them. Next weeks goals:

1)  Read Speaker of the Dead by Orson Scott Card. I will need to make sure I take the time to do this goal this week because it is going to be a busy week for me and will be attend a training that most likely will be triggering for me.

2)  Work on jigsaw puzzle. Just like the reading, I will need to make time to do this goal and for the same reasons.

3)  Color. As with both the reading and jigsaw puzzle, I will most likely need to make time for this goal as well and for the same reason of it being a busy week with a training that most likely will be triggering.

4)  Writing 101: Finding Your Inspiration. Three more weeks left of this wonderful course. I look forward to what this weeks assignments are.

5)  Start Blogging 201: Branding and Growth. Blogging 201 start today and is a two week course that goes through till Friday, September 25th. I am looking forward to what I have to learn. Even though I’ve been blogging for close a year and half, I have a lot to learn about blogging.

6)  Attend Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training (ASIST). This is a two day training that cost $300 to attend and am able to attend it for free because of being a Warm Line volunteer. This is the training that was mentioned in other goals that could be triggering for me. It could be triggering but am looking forward to attending it.

7)  Work on a self-help workbook; The Dialectical Behavior Therapy Skills Workbook by Matthew McKay, PhD., Jeffery C. Wood, PSY.D., and Jeffrey Brantley, MD. I will make time for this. It will help me keep focused on my skills this week especially attending a training that has the possibility of being triggering.

8)  See my psychiatric ARNP today. I need to see my psychiatric ARNP today before I go into work. He only works Mondays now so I have to start work late and because of that I will stay at work late. I am okay with going into work late to see the person who prescribes my psych meds. My recovery is important to my career.

9)  See my therapist, Diana, on Friday. Seeing Diana will be a necessary this week due to the training I will be attending this week. I find it kind of cool starting the work week is starting off on a recovery note as well as ending on a recovering note.

This weeks goals are going to be difficult to do because have how many there are as well as how busy I am going to be. I am looking forward to the challenge. I have confidence that I will be able to accomplish all of my goals this week. I will end this post for now because I need to ready for my appointment and work. Like I have said before I am happy to be apart of this blogging event over at: http://greenembe.rs/2015/09/14/building-rome-week-37-for-2015/  Have a good week. Peace Out!!