Weekly Plans


  • Daily Calm on the Calm App
  • Daily Walk
  • Volunteer at PAWS Cat City
  • Blog
  • Spend Time with my cat, Billie
  • Read Book


  • Daily Calm on the Calm App
  • Daily Walk
  • Blog
  • Spend an hour cleaning apartment
  • Read Book


  • Daily Calm on the Calm App
  • Daily Walk
  • Blog
  • Read Book
  • Volunteer at PAWS Cat City


  • Daily Calm on the Calm App
  • Daily Walk
  • Blog
  • Work
  • Read Book


  • Daily Calm on the Calm App
  • Daily Walk
  • Blog
  • Work
  • Therapy
  • Read Book


  • Daily Calm on the Calm App
  • Daily Walk
  • Blog
  • Work
  • Read Book
  • Watch Movies


  • Daily Calm on the Calm App
  • Daily Walk
  • Blog
  • Spend an hour cleaning apartment
  • Read Book
  • Watch Movies

Weekly Check-In

Hello, World!!! It has been quite the week. I worked this past Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. My job is only three days a week which are four hour shifts. In fact I worked this past Thursday which was Thanksgiving here in the United States. I was and am glad that I was able to work Thanksgiving. All three of my work shifts went great. I enjoy my job but I wish I worked more than twelve hours a week. My boss and colleagues are amazing.

Now back to the topic of Thanksgiving. I not only worked but spent time with my dads side of the family. I had an awesome dinner that my uncle made. I had dinner with my dad, grandpa and two uncles. I love my family so much. I also called my mom to wish her a Happy Thanksgiving. I also called my two uncles as well as my two aunts on my mom’s side to wish them a Happy Thanksgiving. To be honest, I called my mom three times as she is dealing with stage three cancer and since my brother is in jail I wanted to make sure she know that I love her. My mom did spend Thanksgiving with my two uncles (her brothers) and one of their girl friends. So, I am grateful she was not only on Thanksgiving.

As far as yesterday goes, I worked and came home and started doing my holiday traditions. I first turned on holiday music and then started two different holiday jigsaw puzzles. I am still trying to figure out what holiday book I am going to read this year. I have three holiday books in mind. Who know’s I might read all three. I am also going to be coloring holiday posters. Some I started last year and didn’t finish and some I will start this year. Anyway, I am getting into the holiday spirit and doing it my style.

Well, that is my weekly check-in for the week. Now it is time to cuddle up with my cat Billie and read. Happy Holidays and Peace Out, World!!!

A Stress Free Sunday

Good Evening, World!!! It is eight o’clock in the evening here in Seattle. If you read my blog on the regular basis you know that I have been laid of as of this past Friday (June 3rd). Yesterday I was stressing a little bit but realized the stress knowing I was being laid off is not long a stress at least at the moment. It has been a stress free Sunday and feel great to be stress free. The last three months at my now previous employ caused my anxiety and depression symptom increase. Now that everything is done now with the lay offs it is like the lift has been lifted.

On that note I volunteered today and as PAWS Cat City and that help immensely. I’m happy that volunteer at Cat City because it is a form of self care for me just like my own cat Billie is a source to help with my stress. It appears that animals help a great deal. I am grateful for my cat Billie and and my volunteer job at Cot City.

On a good note I have a job interview tomorrow. I am nervous as hell but at least if I don’t get the job I have the practice of the job interview. Send good juju, energy, vibes or any thing good my way when it comes to my job interview tomorrow (Monday).

I don’t have much to say in this particular blog post. I do want to thank you for reading my blog. It is greatly appreciated from my end of things that you the reader, read my blog. It it was not for you the reader, reading my blog, I would not be writing my blog. Again, thank you from the bottom of my heart for reading my blog. Peace Out, World!!!

Musical Incantation

The Prompt: You’re absent-mindedly singing to yourself, when suddenly the topic of the song comes true.

I would hope to be singing something like Lean On Me or Stand By Me as these songs are about friendship and being of support to someone. Being a good friend and being of support to someone is one of my goals in life. A simple goal to change my little corner of the world. If we can make a difference in one person’s life then maybe that person can change the world and you helped in a small way.

At The End of The Rainbow

You and a friend have decided to try and follow a rainbow to see if the end holds a pot of gold. But when you finally reach the end, you find something much more valuable than a pot of gold—and it changes your life.

It is a simple as we find out through the journey we went on that our friendship will last through the good times and the bad times. Because of this we received what our hearts desired. For me it was an education in the mental health field and for my friend it was marrying the love of her life.


Table For Two

Craft a story or scene about two people—or other nonhuman characters, if you prefer—from very different backgrounds sharing a meal together. What do they learn about each other that they weren’t expecting?

This is an easy one for me as Junior and I come from two completely different backgrounds. Junior is a well off Mexican American while I am an Irish American who is not all that well off. He is well over six feet tall and I am just barely over five feet tall. Junior is a successful firefighter while I am an unemployed Peer Specialist dealing with their mental health conditions.

Junior and I maybe completely different from each other especially when it comes to how we were raised yet we have a lot in common. We both play musical instruments. He plays the bag pipes, drums and trumpet while I play the flute and teaching myself the harmonica. We both are in the “helping” professions. We both have a sense of humor. Humor that gets us through rough patches as individuals and as a couple.

I think what Junior and I learned about each other is something that we weren’t expecting but not a surprise was our desire to advocate for those who do not have a voice. Especially those who don’t have a voice in the communities we most identify with. Another thing we were both surprised about is the love of sports we have.

Thank you for reading my blog. Peace Out, World!!!


The End of the Road

Think back to a moment where you’ve come to the end of the road with something important in your life—a relationship with a lover; moving out of your childhood home; graduation from school; etc. Write a scene wrapped around that moment, describing how you felt (good and bad) and how you closed the door on that chapter in your life.

This writing prompt is difficult as I can come up with a lot of end of road stories that have influenced me to where I am at in the moment in time. If it wasn’t for end of road experiences I wouldn’t be in recovery. In recovery with an eating disorder or mental health. I wouldn’t be working on my recovery with self-harm.

Its the end of the road experiences that I have experienced has been what Oprah called Awe-Ha moments. Moments that have changed my life and hope that the experiences I have had can help change the lives of others so they can go on and help others themselves.

Thinking about the end of the road not only has me thinking about my recovery but my grandma and her currently being in home hospice care. For her its the end of the road yet she still has her sense of humor. The same sense of humor that I have to help me through her dying. I hope as I deal with my grandma dying I hope I can laugh at life like she has.

A Strange Request at a Piano Bar

As part of a local carnival it is tradition to have a Piano Bar. A tradition nobody can comprehend how it came about to be a tradition as having a Piano Bar can make it quite awkward at times.

It becomes awkward at times because a juvenile or two would be having fun at the carnival yet let themselves into the piano bar despite being underage to have alcohol. The juveniles would go into the bar wearing mask asking for an oxidation of an alcoholic drink that included an apple flavoring. On occassion the underage juveniles would be able to get the drink.

This casued a great deal of controversy as when the juneviles would get drunk they would start twirling around and ended up getting a sprained ankle as they would fall into a sassafras tree. This was controversy due to the fact that nobody wanted to be responsible for a juvenile being drunk and injured.

Another Post About Blogging Sh*t

Good Morning, World!!! I’ve been thinking about my blog a lot lately. Maybe because I’ve been posting more as of lately and getting my support system to finally follow through on the guest post they will do every other week. It is my hope that I can create a regular schedule on when I will have regular post as well the usual way of how I am already doing thing as posting whenever I feel like it. So the schedule I plan to have is as follows:

Sunday: Weekly Plans. This seems pretty self explanatory. It’s where I plan to tell you what I have planned for the week.

Monday: Weekly Writing prompts. This is where I can write both fiction and nonfiction stories. More or less I hope to be creative in this post as it is my hope for it to be fiction versus nonfiction as I usually write about my own personal experiences.

Tuesday: To Be Determined (TBD)

Wednesday: Guest Post. This is the day where my support system will write what its like to deal with a loved one who has lived experience. The primary guest bloggers will be Junior and Mama Bear. Junior and Mama Bear worked it out to where Junior will post on the first and third Wednesdays of the month and Mama Bear will post on the second and fourth Wednesdays of the month. As for the rare fifth Wednesday, I’ll get a special guest. Hopefully, someone who has been an inspiration to me, the peer community or the blogging community.

Thursday: To Be Determined (TBD)

Friday: Fun Facts. Fun Facts will include weird and/or random facts about things around the world as well as about me.

Saturday: Weekly Check-in. This is where I inform you how my week went and what I did. It’s more or less a post about how my week went.

As you can tell I have high hopes regarding keeping a regular schedule with blogging. I don’t want to not post and lose you as reader yet I don’t want to overwhelm you feed or email with too many post. I’m attempting to find a happy medium with blogging.

Something else I am going to do is take free courses that WordPress does. I’ll being doing everything from poetry to photography to inspired writing. I’m doing this in hopes to keep myself interested in blogging as well as you interested in reading my blog.

In fact keeping you my reader interested is why I am creating a schedule as well as having special guest and weekly writing prompts that hopefully will be fictional along with weekly plans and check-ins. Having a blogging schedule will also give me the structure I so desperately need and desire.

Thanks for reading about my blogging woes once again. I need to get going and get ready for the day as I have a doctors appointment with my dermatologist. I hope everyone has a great day and enjoys life. Peace Out, World

Dentist Disaster

You go for a rather complex dental procedure and the dentist

has put you under general anesthesia.

But when you wake up, you are no longer at the dentist office.

You are on a train with a briefcase handcuffed to your wrist.

Just as you are registering your new surroundings,

a man walks up with a gun and points it at you.

What happens next?

I start to panic as I am realizing that I am staring down a barrel of a gun. As I slowly realize I have a gun pointed at my face, I started laughing. Laughing at the fact that I wasn’t really staring down the barrel of a gun, I was staring at the foot (end) of a flute. People on the train thought I wasn’t taking it as seriously as they thought I should. It was just a flute in my face. Considering the “briefcase” I was handcuffed to was actually an empty flute case, I am going to assume the man wants me to put the flute into the case.

As I slowly come to, I realize that my assumption was completely wrong. I was just under the influence of laughing gas from the dentist. I informed my dentist about the flute dream and she began to laugh. She laughed because it wasn’t the first time someone in her dentist chair had this particular laughing gas dream. This made me wonder if I should go see another dentist as I walked out of the office after she was done. Nah, if this was the worst thing that can happen at the dentist then I will stick with her.