Writing 101: Finding Your Inspiration; Day Eleven: Writing and Not Writing

Todays, Writing 101 assignment is what I basically do when I am not writing or what I do in my “day-to-day” life. To tell you the truth, my day-to-day life is pretty boring.

Like most everyone else in the world, I work. I work at a mental health agency part time as a Consumer Aide. I also volunteer at two different places; one is a peer run Warm Line (which is a conversational line) and the other is at young adult (18-25) homeless shelter. I spend a lot of time with my fiancé, Junior. I tend to hang out with friends as our schedules allow. I attend sporting events and concerts. I also read.  Most importantly I make sure that I do what I need to do to stay in recovery.

For me recovery is the biggest and most important thing I can do to keep myself balanced. My recovery is a one day at time thing and sometimes a one moment at a time thing. To stay in recovery, I eat on the regular basis, take my meds, exercise, see my therapist regularly, see my psychiatric nurse practitioner regularly and just have fun.

Now that you know how I keep a balanced life outside of writing/blogging, I am going to go spend some much needed time with Junior. We are going to have some cuddle time. Have a wonderful evening. Peace Out!!!

Blogging 201; Day Six: Dig Deep into a Social Network

It is day six of Blogging 201. If I understand the assignment correctly, it is asking to broaden our brand by adding social media sites. I’m already on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. I thought about doing a Facebook page for my blog but since I have a separate account for my blog I have decided against it at the moment. I just don’t have the time or energy to do so at the moment. When I have more time I will reconsider the idea. It’s not just about the time or energy, it is also about the drama that seems to go on when it comes to Facebook and Twitter, especially Facebook. I haven’t experienced drama on LinkedIn or WordPress and that is a good thing. I’m not big into drama.

With all that being said, my lunch is almost over. I hope you all continue to have a wonderful Monday. Enjoy your work week. Peace Out!!!!

Weekly Goals

Happy Monday!!! It’s the start of another work week and as always am looking forward to it. This past week I had a number of goals to accomplish. Like always I will share with you how I did with accomplishing them, then share with you this weeks goals. This how did with last weeks goals.

1)  Read Speaker of the Dead by Orson Scott Card. Yes, I did read this week. It was a much need escape from all the difficult work with therapy and trainings I did.

2)  Work on jigsaw puzzle.  I spent time on the puzzle. It was another positive way to do self-care and escape.

3)  Color. I did a great deal of coloring. I colored for the same reasons I read and worked on the jigsaw puzzle.

4)  Writing 101: Finding Your Inspiration. Most definitely accomplished this goal. I do have to say Day Nine’s assignment was quite difficult for me. I am enjoying the course immensely.

5)  Start Blogging 201: Branding and Growth. Yup, I started Blogging 201. Like I expected, I am enjoying it. Cant wait to see what I learn this next week.

6)  Attend Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training (ASIST). I really enjoyed attending the training. It was an intense and tough training to attend but well worth being able to attend.

7)  Work on a self-help workbook; The Dialectical Behavior Therapy Skills Workbook by Matthew McKay, PhD., Jeffery C. Wood, PSY.D., and Jeffrey Brantley, MD. This goal was extremely helpful this week. It helped me remember all this DBT skills I learned in the past and am relearning doing this workbook.

8)  See my psychiatric ARNP today. Yes, I saw my psychiatric nurse practitioner. We discussed how Autumn and Winter are difficult on me in regards to my depression and how we can make sure I don’t need an increase in my anti-depressant unless needed.

9)  See my therapist, Diana, on Friday. Yes, I did see Diana. We discussed how the ASIST training was triggering as well as some intense trauma history stuff. As difficult as it was discussing some of my trauma history with Diana, I felt a sense of relief talking about it. (SIDE NOTE: Diana is a pseudonym for my therapist. It is for the protection of her past, current and future clients as well for her privacy.)

I am really proud of myself for accomplishing my weekly goals for last week. They wear extremely difficult to do, due to not having much time or being emotionally difficult and draining to do them. Now on to this weeks goals.

1)  Read Speaker of the Dead by Orson Scott Card. This is a no brainer. Hopefully, I will be finished with the book soon.

2)  Work on jigsaw puzzle. Another no brainer goal. This particular jigsaw puzzle is 1500 pieces, so it will take some time to finish it.

3)  Color. For me coloring helps me a great deal. It allows me to connect with my inner child.

4)  Writing 101: Finding Your Inspiration. I am really enjoying this course. This course is helping find inspiration in everyday things to blog about.

5)  Blogging 201: Branding and Growth. I am grateful for what I am learning through Blogging 201. It’s hard to believe this is the last week of the two week course. I wish it was longer.

6)  Work on a self-help workbook; The Dialectical Behavior Therapy Skills Workbook by Matthew McKay, PhD., Jeffery C. Wood, PSY.D., and Jeffrey Brantley, MD. As you can tell this is going to be my goal for a while. This will be goal of mine till I am finished the workbook.

My goals for this next week are being kept simple since last weeks goals were emotionally draining. I need to get ready for work but before I go, I want to give a shout out to: http://greenembe.rs/2015/09/21/building-rome-week-38-for-2015/ because I am a part of his weekly blogging event. Have a wonderful work week. Peace out!!