A Lazy Three Day Weekend at Home

Happy Friday, World!!! It’s a three day weekend here in the states. Martin Luther King Jr. day on Monday to honor him. I wish I had been alive to see him speak as he was a great and honorable man fighting for right of people of color.

On that note I plan on having a lazy three day weekend at home with my cat, Billie Dean. I love my Billie so much and he is such a love bug. I plan on doing a lot of lazy type things. One of the things I plan on doing is watching movies and television show via streaming sites. I’m pretty sure Billie will be in my lap when I do these activities.

I also plan on doing some art. Specifically, I plan on coloring. I plan on coloring as listen to a podcast. In fact I plan on listening to a podcast about philosophy. The philosophy podcast I plan on listening to is “Philosophize This.” I really enjoy listening to a podcast as I do something creative or clean but I don’t plan on cleaning this weekend as I am still dealing with Covid-19.

Dealing with Covid-19 sucks shit. I still feel like crap but I am feeling much better than I did when I was diagnosed with Coivid-19. As shitty as having Coivd-19 is I am grateful that I wasn’t hospitalized for it. I’m still coughing up a storm and feeling fatigue with brain fog. I also still have some loose bowl movements but at least they are becoming more solid. I’m sure you didn’t want to know about my bowl movements.

I do not have much more to say in this particular blog post. I do want thank you for reading my blog. If it wasn’t for you reading my blog I would not be writing it. That is why I greatly appreciate you the reader, reading my blog. Again, thank you from the bottom of my heart for reading my blog. I hope everyone has a great weekend. Peace Out, World!!!