The Bright Side of Focusing on Recovery

Good Morning, World!!! It is the start of another work week and sadly I am unemployed due to disability reasons. A disability with major stigma attached to it which is mental health challenges. As much as I am not a fan of my disability and the stigma that goes along with it; I am glad that I need it for my chosen career path as a peer specialist.

As much as I wish I was working as a peer specialist or working at all, I am happy to be focusing on my recovery. My recovery is key to not only my chosen career field but to my everyday life. Life that includes a life worth living. A life worth living with a cat, friends, loving partner and a wonderful physical health team as well as an awesome mental health team. I guess what I am saying is that the bright side of focusing on my recovery at the moment is that I can completely reevaluate what a life worth living looks like for me at the moment.

I do not have much more to write about in this particular blog post. I do want to thank you for reading my blog. It is greatly appreciated from my end of things that you the reader, read my blog. If it was not for you the reader, reading my blog, I would not be continuing to write my blog. Again, thank you from the bottom of my heart for reading my blog. Peace Out, World!!!

Daily Prompt; What’s Your Dream Job

Bloganuary writing prompt
What’s your dream job?

My dream job is being a peer specialist that works in the emergency room of a hospital. I would love to be able to help those at the most challenging time of their life whether it is mental health related or physical health related. Having someone there to help a patient in the emergency room could ultimately help them get the best care possible. I just think emergency rooms could benefit from having a peer specialist in them.

Hump Day Update

Good Evening, World!!! It is that time of week where I do a mid week update in which I like to call hump day update due to it being Wednesday. As I mentioned in my last post, I had my first OBGYN appointment yesterday after medically confirming last Friday with my primary care provider that I am pregnant. The OBGYN discussed the risk of being pregnant in your mid forties and that many people have healthy babies. The OBGYN also discussed my mental health diagnosis and her concerns about postpartum depression which is understandable and I will be working with her and my mental health treatment team about it. Junior and I are looking forward to being parents.

I have also been applying for jobs. Jobs that can be challenging especially for a high risk pregnancy but I really would like to work again as I really miss working and the feeling of being a productive member of society. I miss working and I realize this might not be the best time to look for a job since I am pregnant but many people work when they are pregnant.

I do not have much more to update you on for the hump day update. I do want to thank you for reading my blog. It is greatly appreciated from my end of things that you the reader, read my blog. If it was not for you the reader, reading my blog, I would not be continuing to write on my blog. Again, thank you from the bottom of my heart for reading my blog. Peace Out, World!!!

A New Years Update

Good Morning, World!!! Happy New Year!!! It has been awhile since I last blogged. Some pretty major things have happened since I last blogged. Well, technically just one major thing has happened and surprisingly I am more relieved than I thought I would be. So, this past Thursday (January 4, 2024) was my last day at work. I would be lying if I said if I didn’t miss aspects of my job because I do. I miss the majority of my colleagues and all of my clients but I am so happy that I am no longer walking on eggshells around the direct supervisors on the team I worked on.

On that note, I had therapy yesterday and my therapist is just as thrilled as I am about my previous job. We not only discussed the job situation but my New Year’s goals for 2024 as well as my hopes for the year. We both agree that both hopes and goals will change or need some adjusting as the year goes on and will work on them throughout the year. We also discussed how challenging last year was despite a good start to last year.

Since it is the start of the New Year, I am hoping to restart blogging on a regular basis. This includes the Weekly Plans on Sunday mornings, Hump Day Updates on Wednesday evenings, Caturday with Billie (the Kat) featuring pictures of my cat on Saturday mornings and Weekly Check-In on Saturday evenings. Of course I will be doing other posts as well. I will be starting all this tomorrow (Sunday) with Weekly Plans.

I do not have much more to write about in this particular blog post. I do want to thank you for reading my blog as it is greatly appreciated that you read my blog. If it was not for you the reader, reading my blog, I would not be writing my blog. Again, thank you from the bottom of my heart for reading my blog. Peace Out, World!!!

A Life Update

Good Morning, World!!! It has been quite a while since I updated you on my life which hasn’t been going to well which is mainly due to my job. I am on thin ice at work and I know I haven’t been meeting expectations of my job and take full responsibility for what I have not met those expectations. I also know that I have not been given the disability accommodations I much needed for work that have been known since my first day on the job with human resources full support up until returning from my first medical leave due to a traumatic event. I am such thin ice that I can be fired which is why I put in my resignation. I am resigning at a later date than I was planning on doing primarily due making sure I have money to pay my rent for the month of January as I am on another medical leave and want to make sure I have the money to pay rent and other bills. Yes, not resigning later than I had planned, I need to make sure I finish much needed things at work as well being able to say goodbye to clients and colleagues. My planned last day on my job will be my one year anniversary date of starting this job. I just hope I don’t get fired by my planned last day on the job.

Since I am resigning from my job I am hoping that Social Security will not stop my partial disability payments. I also hope I can get my full disability benefits back once I am no longer working. I am really worried about money. I am hoping I can get some form of employment so I don’t have worry about money.

Part of the reason I am so worried about money is credit card debt. But the main reason why I am worried is because my cat is still at the very beginning stages of kidney disease for the last couple of years and has vet visits every six months to keep any eye on his health. My cat Billie means the world to me and I love him so very much.

Now that it is the holiday season, I have a way to not be split between both sides of my family as I have to work on Christmas Eve and Christmas day which means I can wait till after my last day at my employer to have a celebration with my dads side one day and my moms side another day. Plus, I can also continue with my own Holiday traditions as well as start new ones. The ones I already have for myself is to do a winter type and/or a Christmas jigsaw puzzle, read both volumes of A Superheros Christmas, read a fiction Christmas book and color a Christmas picture poster or two. My two new holiday traditions this holiday season are to do Christmas logic problems which they do have books to do which sorta surprised me and a Christmas adult dot to dot. No, the dot to dot is NOT by any means X rated. The dot to dot is more advanced than the dot to dots we did as kids.

Well, I do not have much more to write about in this particular blog post. I do want to thank you for reading my blog. It is greatly appreciated from my end of things that you the reader, read my blog. If it was not for you the reader, reading my blog, I would not be continuing to write my blog. Again, thank you from the bottom of my heart for reading my blog. Peace Out, World!!

An Early Morning Post Due to Waking up Too Early

Good Morning, World!!! At the start of writing this particular blog post it is 4:14 in the morning here in Seattle. I haven’t been getting much sleep due to the fact I most likely will be losing my job and having some insomnia over it. Some of the reasons I agree with while other reasons I don’t agree with due to the fact that I have not been able to use my reasonable accommodation request. I own up to the stuff that I haven’t need reasonable accommodation stuff but I just want to prove to my employer that I can do much better at my job if they allow me my reasonable accommodations.

Enough about work as I am trying to ge my mind off of work. by doing a number of things. First and foremost, I have been spending my time with my beloved cat, Billie. Having Billie by my side has been quite helpful. He is such an awesome and loving kitty. I am in awe of his unconditional love.

Besides my time with Billie, I have been doing my normal skill set to help myself through the challenging stuff the world throws at me such as artwork by coloring as well as reading. Let us not forrget about doing some mindfulness meditation practices. In fact I started to do log problems or logic puzzles. I find them quite fascinating Some are extremely challenging to .do but the satisfaction that comes with completing one is priceless. Plus I have a sense of pride when I am done with a logic problem or puzzle.

I do not have much more to say in this particular blog post. I do want to thank you for reading my blog post. It is greatly appreciated that you are the reader for reading my blog post. If it was not for you reading my blog post I would not be writing my blog. Again, thank you from the bottom for reading my blog. Peace Out, World!!!!

Just An Brief Blog

Hello, World, it has been awhile since I last blogged on my blog and I feel like I just need to update you on some stuff but it will not be the best time to do it in the current post. I just wanted to let you know I will still be blogging and hoping to update on the things that need to be conveyed. I just hope you all understand. My cat is well. My job is at risk which I will get more into in another blog. Overall I am okay. Peace out world and I will update you.

Mid-Week Update

Good Evening, World!!! It is Wednesday which means it is time for my mid-week update. It will be mainly about me discussing work and how my corrective action plan (CAP) meeting went at work this past Monday. In fact let’s discuss it now. My CAP meeting went better than I expected and a lot was discussed including accommodations that have not been happening despite informing both of the supervisors as well H.R. H.R is not happy about it being brought up by my CAP meeting in front of two union representatives. My union representatives were “livid” that despite all the emails to the supervisors and H.R nothing did nothing regarding making sure I was able to use my accommodations. So, now they have to completely redo my CAP and I will have another CAP meeting. If it is not done within two weeks I will not be receiving a CAP.

On that note I have been doing a great deal of mindfulness meditation practices through the Calm App. I feel like it has been helping a great deal with me dealing with stressful situations as well as everyday life. It helps me with both my anxiety and ADHD a great deal.

I have also been reading a great deal especially when going to and from work as I take public transportation. I also have been reading a lot due to the days getting shorter as well as the weather. The best part of reading at home is that I have my beloved cat, Billie, curled in my lap as I read. The book I am reading is Abraham Lincoln; Vampire Hunter by Seth Grahame-Smith. I am really enjoying the book thus far. I really encourage you all to read it.

I do not have much more to update you on in this mid-week update blog post. I do want to thank you for reading my blog. It is greatly appreciated from my end of things that you the reader, read my blog. If it was not for you the reader, reading my blog, I would not be writing my blog. Again, thank you from the bottom of my heart for reading my blog. Peace Out, World!!!

Just A Monday Morning Rambling Post

Good Morning, World!!! It is Monday morning here in Seattle and it is chilly. Not chilly in fact of winter chilly like snow but autumn chilly as possible rain. I don’t think it is supposed to rain today but I do know it is supposed to be cloudy and a little breezy.

Despite the chilly weather today, I am looking forward to working today for the most part. I get to spend most of the day outreaching clients today. The part I am not looking forward to is that I am receiving my corrective action plan (CAP) today at one o’clock which is an hour before I start which can be both good and bad. Good for the fact, I get it done early in my shift. Bad for the fact that, it possibly could make it challenging for me to do my job for the rest of the day but I will deal with it when it comes.

Since I don’t have to be into work till twelve noon today, I think I will spend most of the morning reading. Reading will help my anxiety with my CAP at work and keep me distracted. Plus, I really enjoy reading. Not only that, my cat, Billie tends to cuddle on my lap when I read. I am reading Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter by Seth Gramhame-Smith. I am only on chapter two but so far it is good. Let’s see if it continues to hold my interest.

I do not have much more to write about in this particular blog post. I do want to thank you for reading my blog. It is greatly appreciated from my end of things that you the reader, read my blog. If it was not for you the reader, reading my blog, I would not be writing my blog. Again, thank you from the bottom of my heart for reading my blog. Peace Out, World!!!

Weekly Check-In

Good Evening, World!!! It is Saturday evening here in Seattle and that means it is that time of the week where I give you my weekly check in. A check where I tell you what has happened for me during the past week. A week that doesn’t always as planned.

I started this week by attending an online twelve step meeting. A meeting that had a focus of step one and will continue to focus on step one for the next three to four weeks so folks can work on the step and not feel rushed doing it. I really connected with this group and let my sponsor know that. She will “attend” with me tomorrow as she has another sponsee that is doing step one plus my sponsor will be in attendance to support me.

Besides attending online twelve step meetings, I returned back to work. I am happy to be back to work despite having a corrective action plan (CAP) looming over my head. I also found out that I will be having my CAP meeting this Monday. I don’t think most of the CAP is fair but I will take responsibility for the parts that I know is fair like missing too many days even though I have medical reasons for missing too many days. As far as the adaptability part, I know I have issues with it however it is disability related and feel like I am in trouble due to my disability. I am also getting a CAP due to how my annual review went but that was done three and half months early which is why I am fighting the CAP. I don’t understand why I wasn’t informed sooner about what I need to work on.

I also had therapy this week. My therapist and I discussed many different things including work. We discussed coping skills around work as well as the mental health symptoms that I deal with on the daily basis. We talked about how attending twelve step meetings is “helpful” for me and my recovery. We also discussed how my symptoms are not as severe due to me doing daily mindfulness meditation practices at least twice daily. My therapist is awesome and I appreciate the fact that she not only points out what I need to work on but points out what I am doing well on.

I do not have much more to discuss in this particular blog post. I do want to thank you for reading my blog. Peace Out, World!!!