Too Early To be Up

Good Morning, World!!!! It’s too early to be awake and up.. It is two twenty in the morning in here in the Seattle area. I’m wide awake and my cat Billie is fast asleep, snore up a storm. I wish I could go back to sleep;

Oh fuck I just heard multiple gun shots and need to call 911 to get the police out here. Okay I am back. Apparently, I am not the only one that called. Sadly, someone was shot and I hope it is not life threating. I think it was in front of my building cause there are a ton of cop cars and fire trucks as well as ambulances.

IThe violence is getting worse here in Seattle and it is scares the shit out of me. In fact it scaret the shit out of my neighbors and most of the pets that lie in the building. I wish the cops would patrol the area more but they don’t.

I don’t have much ore to day in this particular blog post. In fact i was going to discuss something completely different before hearing the shots and needing to call the cops. I do want to thank ou for reading my blog. It is greatly appreciated froe my end of things that you read my blog.Thnak you from the bottom my heart for reading my blog. Peace Out, World!!!

The Hate & Violence Needs To Stop

Good Morning, World!!! If you live in the United State I am sure you are well aware of the shooting that killed eleven people at Synagogue in Pittsburgh. All I know is that hate and violence need to fucking stop. I don’t understand why the mass shootings are getting worse.

This time around the mass shooting happened a Synagogue which is considered a hate crime here in the United States. It pisses me off that one particular political party is saying that this shooting wouldn’t have happened if there were armed guards. Unfortunately, I think if there were armed guards at the Synagogue, I think the situation would have turned out much worse.

Have armed guards everywhere is not the solution. Having common sense gun laws (or common sense gun control) is what is needed. But here in America people are so set for the second amendment. I am not a fan of guns for many reasons but I understand having the right to bare arms however we need some form of common sense gun laws to help prevent mass shootings or any shooting for that matter. I’m not saying to my fellow Americans that I want to take away your guns, I am say we need better gun control

The thing that pisses me off even though I haven’t heard anything of this yet, is that in most mass shootings here in America, are blamed on people who have a mental health challenge. I am sorry to say this but the majority of people who have a mental health challenge happen to be the victim of a crime than be the perpetrator of a crime.

What happened yesterday at the Synagogue is a hate crime. A crime that is being encouraged by the current administration. That is why that the elections this year are extremely important. We need to get people in power who don’t encourage violence.

That is why I have voted. Yes, I already got my ballot and voted. It is in the mail as we speak. Voting is our civic duty and anyone who doesn’t vote has absolutely no right to complain about the current political climate or say anything regarding government agencies.

Okay, I think I am off my high horse. I am just pissed off that eleven people got killed at a Synagogue. I am also pissed about the continuous shootings that are happening throughout America and nobody seems to give a shit.

Thank you for reading for my blog. I am sorry for the post being so angry. I just don’t like when people get killed. Again, thank you for reading. It is greatly appreciated that you read my blog. Peace Out, World and lets stop the hate.

Phuck Guns; A Shooting Woke Many People Up Including Myself

Good Morning, World!!! I feel asleep binge watching a television show on Netflix like I informed you I was going to do in my last post. Unfortunately, I was woken up by gun shots from outside my apartment building and not the television show that was still playing on Netflix.  No, I will no discuss gun control in this post but might speak of ii in another post.

I looked out my window and saw the shooter still shooting the person who was already on the ground. Unfortunately, the shooting victim didn’t make it but the shooter was thankfully caught with the gun still on their person. I was one of many individuals who called 911. There was but load of police, paramedics and firefighters to deal with what happened in front of my building. Sadly, the shooting victim was a person who lived in my building the person who did the shooting use to live in my apartment build who was recently evicted.

Both the fire department and police departments sent out their Chaplin’s to talk with us who live in my apartment building. Neither the police department nor the fire department had to do that but I am glad they did. They also called out the Red Cross to help us out if we needed to talk with crisis workers. The management company of apartment building I live in is actually bringing crisis workers who deal with this sort of thing. The crisis workers will be here later today and the rest of the week.

Good thing I have my cat to help me through all this even though she was scared of the sound of the gun shots.  She was freaked out but not as freaked out as I thought should would be. She has been by my side ever since the shooting when I have been in my apartment. Lil Gertie, my cat, has been quite helpful for me in regards to trauma, PTSD, depression and other mental health challenges.

Good thing  I am going to group therapy as well as seeing my therapist.  Talking with my therapist about this and everything that has happened this wee with being assaulted in the hospital on Sunday plus the multiple fire alarms will be a great help to me. Being triggered is not a good thing. Even though some of the fire alarms going off over the weekend were due to malfunctions, a couple of the fire alarms were due to actual fires because people started cooking and decided to do drugs and well their stove and/or kitchen caught on fire.

So, yes, I have had quite a week that most likely create more PTSD symptoms as well as trigger other PTSD symptoms. I am happy that I will be seeing my therapist today. Also it is a good thing I have a busy day today as I mention in my last post or maybe the post before my last post.  I am happy that I will be able keep what happened earlier out of my mind a little bit easier today as it is going to be a busy one and I get to see my therapist and spend time with friends later. I also have a work training which will be quite helpful. Tomorrow (Thursday) is the day I am most worried about however I will discuss that with my therapist today and crisis counselors that will be in my apartment building for the rest of the week a maybe part of next week.

Like I said I will not discuss gun control in this particular post but I want you to be forewarned that there might be a post later on in regards to gun control as I am grieving along side with my neighbor of the shooting death of a neighbor. Please keep me and my neighbors in your thoughts and send out positive thoughts and vibes our way and maybe even prayers. I am not praying person but it never hurts to ask for them.

Thank you so much for reading my blog especially this one since it is a triggering one as well as a very lengthy post. I appreciate that you all read my blog. I hope everyone has a good Wednesday. Peace Out, World!!!

Tragedy In Vegas Hits Close To Home

Hello, World!!! If you live in the United States, you most likely heard about the shooting in Las Vegas. Sadly, this shooting hits closer to home to me than I would like to admit.

A friend of mine was at the concert when the shooting happened. Unfortunately, she is one of the victims. She is critically injured and the information I have is limited due to the on going investigation.

As my heart goes out to my friend and everyone else who was in attendance of the concert I can’t help but think about the need for better gun control here in the United States. Yes, I realize that we have the second amendment right to bare arms however all this gun violence has to stop. I also realize that no matter what the laws state that people will find a way to get guns.

In the case of the Vegas shooting it’s too soon to know if the shooter legally attained the guns he had on his person or place of residence. Whether or not the shooter attained the guns legally we need to focus on better laws. Laws that will be tough to make due to the politics involved with guns and our second amendment rights.

As we may have the right to bare arms, I cant help but to think about my friend and her rights. What about her right to live? What about her right to not be shot at when attending a concert to celebrate her recovery? What about her rights to be safe? Why can’t people think about the rights of the victims and survivors?

As I end this post, all I ask is that if you leave a comment that you be respectful of what you say. I have my blog set up to where I approve or not approve people’s comments and will not hesitate to not approve someone’s comments. Please keep my friend, her family and everyone else who attended the concert as well their families in your thoughts. I hope everyone has a good day. Don’t forget to tell the people you care about that you love them and how much they mean to you because you never know if its going to be the last time you will be able to tell them so. Have a good day and week. Peace Out!!!