A Sleepless In Seattle Type Of Night

Good Morning, World!!! It is just after three o’clock in the morning here in Seattle. I am sadly unable to sleep for unknown reasons. I am thinking it is due to insomnia which sucks shit. I am not a big fan of insomnia and not being able to freaking sleep. It would be great if I could sleep. I could have used my as needed sleep meds but I really didn’t want to as it is controlled substance and don’t want to get addicted to it as well not have my body get use to it to where I need it more often.

Since I have been unable to sleep, I have been cuddling with my cat, Billie. In fact as I cuddle with my cat, Billie, I have been watching movies on streaming sites. As I watched movies as I cuddled with my cat, Billie most of the night, I also snacked on a bunch of junk food. Junk food I love such as popcorn, ice cream, and other such things.

I do not have much more to write about in this particular post. I do want to thank you for the reader for reading my blog. It is greatly appreciated from my end of things that you the reader, read my blog. If it was not for you the reader, reading my blog, I would not be continuing to write my blog. Again, thank you from the bottom of my heart for reading my blog. Peace Out, World!!!

Tough Couple of Nights

Good Morning, World!!! It is just barely after five o’clock in the morning here in Seattle. It’s been a tough couple nights due to suddenly remembering something horrific from my childhood a couple of nights ago. On the good note about this is when I remembered, Junior was with me and then the next day which was yesterday, I had therapy.

Therapy is not meant to be easy but yesterday was tough but my therapist was compassionate and empathetic as always. She listened and gave me some suggestions to help take care of myself. My therapist makes talking about tough shit safe to talk about even when it feels unsafe due to PTSD symptoms.

Due to those PTSD symptoms, I had a couple of challenging nights and lack of sleep. Junior helped me Wednesday but was unable to help last night (Thursday) due to working. Sadly, he is unavailable today and tonight due to work as well. He is a firefighter and works twenty-four hour shifts and is doing an overtime shift today. Anyway, last night I had the help of a couple of friends via phone as well as my cat, Billie. I am grateful for my natural support system.

I do not have anything else to write about in this particular blog post. I do want to thank you for reading my blog. It is greatly appreciated from my end of things that you the reader, read my blog. If it was not for you the reader, reading my blog, I would not be continuing to write my blog. Again, thank you from the bottom of my heart for reading my blog. Peace Out, World!!!

A Productive Sleepless in Seattle Type of Night

Good Morning, World!!! It is the middle of the night here in Seattle and I am not able to sleep. I really wish I could sleep but sadly, I am not able to due to insomnia. Having insomnia suck sh!t and I don’t wish it on anybody including my worst enemies.

Since I am unable to sleep I have been trying to be productive in some way. I have been reading Revelations; Fire & Brimstone Scroll 1 by Nikole Knight which is the first book in a six book series. I am about three quarters of the way in the book and I am really enjoying it. The genre is dark fantasy and gay fiction and discussed the book with my therapist when I saw her for my session with her this past Friday. She appeared to be interested in the book which is always a good thing. Of course as I read my cat, Billie, was laying my lap.

Besides reading, I have been doing art work as I listened to music. I listened to some old school alternative and grunge music. I mainly listened to Tori Amos and Nirvana as I did art work. The type of art work I did was coloring a giant poster I got from Stuff2Color.com. It is of an elephant. I also have started up painting rocks from a rock painting set that my uncle got me for Christmas. I am enjoying both the coloring and rock painting as I listen to music.

I do not have much else to write about in this particular blog post. I do want to thank you for reading my blog. It is greatly appreciated from my end of things that you the reader, read my blog. If it was not for you the reader, reading my blog, I would not be continuing to write my blog. Again, thank you from the bottom of my heart for reading my blog. Peace Out, World!!!

A Sleepless Type of Night in Seattle

Good Morning, World!!! It is just after two o’clock in the morning here in Seattle, Washington and I am sadly unable to sleep. Having insomnia on top of having PTSD with some pretty severe symptoms suck shit. Sadly there isn’t much that can be done but at least I have some pretty amazing people in my life to help me. Those people include the people I seek professional help from as well as friends and sometimes family. Let’s not forget about my cat who helps a great deal.

Since I have not been able to sleep, I have been reading or doing some form of art work. I am reading the first book in a six book series. The book I am reading is Revelations Fire & Brimstone Scroll 1 by Nikole Knight. So far I am really enjoying the book. The genre the book is in is gay fiction and dark fantasy.

Like I said earlier since I am unable to sleep, I have been reading and doing some form of art work. The type of art work I am doing is coloring. I am coloring a picture as well as a giant poster. The picture I am coloring I think I am going to give to my therapist and the giant poster I might keep for myself. I just hope keeping something for myself that I helped create doesn’t sound selfish of me to do.

I do not have much more to write about in this particular blog post. I do want to thank you for reading my blog. It is greatly appreciated from my end of things that you the reader continue to read my blog. If it were not for you the reader, reading my blog, I would not be continuing to write on my blog. Again, thank you from the bottom of my heart for reading my blog. Peace Out, World!!!

Tough Start to the Day

Good Morning, World!!! It has been a tough start to the day for me. I woke up a couple of hours ago due to a nightmare. It was a screaming nightmare and the reason why I know is because I am over at Junior’s house with my cat, Billie, and Junior informed me it was a screaming nightmare. Nightmares suck and I don’t envy PTSD on anyone including my worst enemy.

Junior is worried about my increased PTSD symptoms as he is worried it could affect the pregnancy. Hell, I am even more worried as I am that one that is pregnant. I just don’t want the PTSD to affect my pregnancy in any way. Having PTSD and being pregnant is not easy and I am grateful to have Junior and his love in my life.

I do not have much more to write about in this particular blog post. I do want to thank you, the reader for reading my blog. It is greatly appreciated from my end of things that you the reader, read my blog. If it was not for you the reader, reading my blog I would not be continuing to write my blog. Again, thank you from the bottom of my heart for reading my blog. Peace Out, World!!!

Somewhat Of A Challenging Night

Good Morning, World!!! I am tired as I didn’t sleep well last night. I didn’t sleep well last night due to the fact I was in so much pain that Junior ended up taking me to the hospital. Turns out that I have a kidney infection in the right kidney. I also have kidney stones as I had to have an MRI despite being pregnant. MRI’s, CT scans and X-Rays are not the best for pregnant people however the pain I was (and still am) experiencing could cause distress to the baby which causes harm. So, Junior and I with the help of the doctors weighed out the risk and thought it’s better to do the MRI. The MRI confirmed kidney stones.

Having kidney stones and a kidney infection is not fun especially since I am unable to take the pain meds doctors normally would prescribe. I am unable to take the pain meds due to being pregnant. On that note, I am able to take antibiotics for the kidney infection which is a good thing. The doctors put me on ten days worth of antibiotics and informed me to get in to see the OBGYN as soon as possible to make sure the kidney infection is clearing up and pain subsiding from the kidney stones.

I am just happy that Junior was able to take me to the emergency room and that what I am dealing with can be treated. I wish I was able to get some sleep but I am glad that the doctors were able to figure out what was wrong with me health wise.

I do not have much more to write about in the particular blog post. I do want to thank you, the reader for reading my blog. It is greatly appreciated that you the reader, read my blog. If it was not for you the reader, reading my blog I would not be continuing to write my blog. Again, thank you from the bottom of my heart for reading my blog. Peace Out, World!!!

Nightmares Suck Sh!t

Good Morning, World!!! It is way too early to be awake. I am awake due to a stupid nightmare. A nightmare that was a screaming nightmare and the only reason why I know this is because a neighbor called the police and they showed up to make sure I am okay. I informed the police that I am in fact okay and that I had a nightmare. They understood and left. I know the police were just doing their job but when your trauma related nightmare involved a police officer and the police show up, it doesn’t really help the PTSD. Again, it is not the police officers fault that a neighbor called nor is it my neighbors fault for making sure I was okay due to my screaming while having a nightmare. I just wish my nightmare wasn’t a screaming one.

On that note, my cat, Billie, is helping a great deal. He is currently laying in my lap purring as I write this particular blog post. I love my cat so very much and can’t imagine my life without him. He is such an amazing cat that loves to spend as much time in my lap as he can get. I am glad he is able to help me self regulate especially after a nightmare.

I do not have much more to write about in this particular blog post. I do want to thank you, the reader for reading my blog. It is greatly appreciated from my end of things that you the reader, read my blog. If it was not for you the reader, reading my blog, I would not be continuing to write on my blog. Again, thank you from the bottom of my heart for reading my blog. Peace Out, World.

Enjoy the Benefits of Being Pregnant

Good Morning, World!!! It is hard to believe that despite severe PTSD symptoms that I have been surprisingly sleeping better and longer. Instead of my usual four hours of sleep, I have been getting about six to eight hours of sleep. I am so freaking happy that I am sleeping better and longer hours. The OBGYN informed me that the more restful and longer sleep is due to being in my first trimester of pregnancy.

Another thing that can happen during pregnancy is an increased sex drive which is currently happening to me. As someone who has an extensive trauma history and being traumatized again in the last six months this can be a scary thing. Despite it being somewhat scary my partner, Junior is being so sweet with the increased sex drive while understanding that PTSD can and will get in the way.

Of course I will discuss the PTSD stuff as well as the increased sex drive with my therapist. In fact I have an appointment with her today and I will officially let her know about being pregnant. I am sure my therapist and I will be discussing my mental health while being pregnant and will be an on going discussion for therapy.

I do not have much more to write about in this particular blog post. I do want to thank you for reading my blog. It is greatly appreciated from my end of things that you the reader, read my blog. If it was not for you the reader, reading my blog, I would not be continuing to write on my blog. Again, thank you from the bottom of my heart for reading my blog. Peace Out, World!!!

UGH!!! Someone Pulling Fire Alarm

Good Morning, World!!! I am tired as hell as someone in my apartment building keeps pulling the fire alarm. It not only is pissing my neighbors and I off but the fine firefighters responding to the multiple fire alarm calls. The fire alarm has been pulled so many times tonight that the Seattle police are now investigating it and are currently here to see if whomever is pulling the fire alarm does it again.

Part of the reason myself and my neighbors are so pissed is that we keep evacuating like we are supposed to and the weather is extremely cold. It is even too cold for a lot of native born Seattleites and it is currently raining with some snow. Not only am I pissed due to the lack of sleep and it being cold outside with a rain and snow mixture, I am pissed with the stress it is causing my kitty, Billie. The sound of the fire alarm is ear piercing for a human and a million times worse for cats. My poor cat, Billie is not very happy about it but at least when the fire alarm goes off he does not fight getting into the cat carrier.

I do not have much more to write about as I really want to attempt to get back to sleep and I really hope the fire alarm does not get pulled again for something that is not a fire. I do want to thank you for reading my blog. It is greatly appreciated from my end of things. If it was not for you the reader, reading my blog, I would not be continuing to write on my blog. Again, thank you from the bottom of my heart for reading my blog. Peace Out, World!!!

Love Does Help One With Struggles

Good Morning, World!!! I am currently struggling at the moment with some pretty major PTSD symptoms and some slight depression symptoms. Due to the PTSD symptoms I called my boyfriend, Junior and he came over. (Yes, Junior and I are back together after much discussion.) Junior and I talked for a couple of hours and we both fell asleep. It is nice to love someone who you know that hurts you or harms you.

Now that we are both up, Junior is fixing the both of us breakfast. He is making French toast and scrambled eggs and bacon. I am looking forward to breakfast this morning and I am beyond grateful to have a fresh and homemade breakfast that is soon to be ready to eat.

Billie, my cat really likes Junior. Hell, if Junior and I lived together, I am sure that Junior would be Billie’s human. Of course Billie likes most people and Junior and I have no plans on moving in with each other anytime soon no matter how much we love each other.

Well, I best be going as I want to help Junior finish making breakfast and I also do not have much more to write about in this particular blog post. I do want to thank you the reader for reading my blog. It is greatly appreciated from my end of things that you the reader, read my blog. If it was not for you the reader, reading my blog I would not be continuing to write my blog. Again, thank you from the bottom of my heart for reading my blog. Peace Out, World!!!