Daily Prompt; How Would You Improve Your Community

Daily writing prompt
How would you improve your community?

Hello, World!!! There are many ways I would like to improve my community. The two ways that I would like to improve my community that popped up into my head was helping people with their recovery with mental health challenges and/or substances plus helping animals. Helping both animals and people at the same time is possible. I would improve helping animals by helping companion animals such as dogs and cats to their furrever home which is something I do when I volunteer at a local animal shelter. Another way I can improve my community is to go back to work in the mental health field to help people with their recovery once my own mental health improves a little more. Hell, I don’t need to work to do that, I can just reach out to friends who struggle. I can also just stop and talk with someone who is asking for food or money even if I don’t have either to help the person. There are several ways to improve your community, you just have to find at least one that you are passionate about to help.

Daily Prompt; What Was the Last Live Performance You Saw?

Daily writing prompt
What was the last live performance you saw?

The last live performance I saw was a concert, March of last year (2023). In fact I went and saw Amy Grant in concert in Bremerton, Washington. I had a blast attending the concert. I had so much fun and met some new friends that I have been keeping in contact with since then. One of my favorite parts was when I was waiting by Amy Grant’s bus as she was leaving, I got to briefly talk with her and got a belated birthday hug from her. I love Amy Grant’s music.

Daily Prompt; What Are 5 Everyday Things That Bring You Happiness?

Daily writing prompt
What are 5 everyday things that bring you happiness?
  1. Cats- Cats bring me happiness especially my cat, Billie. In fact I would not be volunteering at PAWS Cat City if cats didn’t bring me happiness.
  2. Friends – My friends bring me happiness on the daily basis. I would not know how I could function without my friends because they have been there for me.
  3. Family – As dysfunctional as my family is, they bring me happiness as I know they love me in their own way and do the best they can to show me.
  4. Art – Art brings me happiness. Actually doing art is what brings me happiness. Specifically I enjoy coloring. I also enjoy rock painting which is something I just started doing.
  5.  Reading – Reading is something that also brings me happiness as it helps me get out of my head when I am struggling with things. Hell, it is fun to do even when I am doing well.

Daily Prompt; What is Your Favorite Restaurant?

Daily writing prompt
What is your favorite restaurant?

My favorite restaurant is Red Robin. I have been going to Red Robin since I was a kid living in California. I would go to Red Robin as a teenager in California as well as here in Washington (State) whenever I went to the mall with my friends. In fact Red Robin started here in Seattle. Most people don’t realize that. I love going to Red Robin with friends as well as family. In fact it is a family tradition to go to Red Robin for birthdays. Red Robin has awesome food and I usually get the same thing. I love Red Robin.

Daily Prompt; Do You Vote in Political Elections?

Daily writing prompt
Do you vote in political elections?

Yes, I do vote in political elections. I vote in elections to help my voice be heard even though it feels like my voice is not heard due to the electoral college. I understand to a degree why it was originally put into place however I think it should no longer be part of the voting process as it doesn’t allow the people’s voice to be heard anymore. Anyway, I vote in political elections so the voice of the people is heard.

Daily Prompt; What’s The Most Fun Way to Exercise?

Daily writing prompt
What’s the most fun way to exercise?

I find multiple ways to have fun exercising but the two main things that come to mind are not the usual ways most people do for fun to get exercise. Those two things are kickball and roller hockey. In fact I am currently on a kickball team for the spring season and I am having fun with it. I will be taking the summer season off due to the fact that I just found out that there is an outdoor roller hockey season here in Seattle so I will be doing that. I love both kickball and roller hockey. I also enjoy rollerblading and do it on nice days around Greenlake here in Seattle. I like to do other things as well but these are things I have the most with as of right regarding exercise.

Plans on Blogging

Good Afternoon, World!!! I know I have written about blogging more to keep you the reader more interested in reading my blog. The ways I have started to do this is doing Weekly Plans on Sunday mornings, Caturday with Billie on Saturday mornings and Weekly Check-Ins on Saturday evenings. I realize that blogging more than two days a week with three posts a week will need to be increased. I thought about doing daily prompts starting this Monday on weekdays which is Monday through Friday. I plan on doing daily prompts that WordPress provides. I hope they keep you the reader interested in continuing to read my blog. I will also write other posts as well on whatever moves me to write a blog post.

I realize this is a brief post as I do not have much more to write about in this particular blog post. I do want to thank you for reading my blog. It is greatly appreciated from my end of things that you the reader continue reading my blog. If it was not for you the reader continuing to read my blog, I would not be continuing to write my blog. Again, thank you from the bottom of my heart for reading my blog. Peace Out, World!!!

Lack of Blogging = Regular Blogging Schedule

Good Afternoon, World!!! My blogging or the lack there of has me thinking about creating a schedule to blog at least two to three times a week. I plan on blogging Sunday mornings and posting Weekly Plans. On Saturday Mornings, I plan on doing Caturday with Billie and Friends which will be pictures of my cat Billie and cats from friends as well as cats I work with at my volunteer job at PAWS Cat City. Then on Saturday evenings, I will do a Weekly Check-In. I figure that if I schedule blogging into my calendar that I will keep you my reader at least semi-interested in continuing to read my blog.

Another thing I am considering doing happens to be daily prompts. Not sure when I will start them much less how long I will do them and the frequency. I most likely will do daily prompts that WordPress does as they tend to be good prompts in my opinion a good portion of the time.

I do not have much more to discuss or write about in this particular blog post. I do want to thank you for reading my blog. It is greatly appreciated from my end of things that you the reader, read my blog. If it was not for you the reader, reading my blog, I would not be continuing to write my blog. Again, thank you from the bottom of my heart for reading my blog. Peace Out, World!!!

My Blogging Is Slacking, Again

Good Evening, World!!! I have noticed that my blogging is slacking once again. One of my New Year’s goals for this year (2024) is to blog on average three times a week. At this point in time, it is my goal to put into my schedule to blog.

The way I will schedule my end is to go back to what I started at the beginning of the year. That is that on Sunday mornings, I will do Weekly Plans. On Wednesday evenings, I will do Hump Day Update. On Saturday mornings I will do Caturday With Billie featuring pictures of Billie and occasionally other cats. On Saturday evenings, I will do Weekly Check-Ins.

Another goal of mine is to hopefully start doing daily prompts. I am hoping to start doing daily prompts in the next week or two. The reason being about starting daily prompts is so, I can plan it into my daily schedule.

I do not have much more to write about in this particular blog post. I do want to thank you, the reader for reading my blog. It is greatly appreciated from my end of things that you the reader, read my blog. If it was not for you the reader, reading my blog, I would not be continuing to write my blog. Again, thank you from the bottom of my heart for reading my blog. Peace Out, World!!!

Daily Prompt; Do You Spend More Time Thinking About the Future of the Past? Why?

Bloganuary writing prompt
Do you spend more time thinking about the future or the past? Why?

This is a hard one for me especially after finding out that I am pregnant as it is hard to not think about the future especially for the child you are pregnant with. One cannot help but think about the future of their child and bringing one into this chaotic world.

Despite thinking about the future of my child as well as mine, I thought a great deal about my future and how much hope I have even through my struggles. For me I can’t help but think about the future and where my recovery journey will take me. Yes, I fear bigger relapses with my mental health challenges but hope is there that I will just get back up on horse and continue to work on my recovery.

On that note, I also think a lot about the past. Sometimes not willingly due to PTSD. PTSD sucks and has you thinking about some of the most horrific moments you experienced in your life. For instance PTSD has remember this stuff through flashbacks, nightmares, body memories, intrusive and much much more. There is no stopping remembering this stuff and it sucks big time.