The Importance of Respecting People’s Pronouns

Good Morning, World!!! I know it has been a while since my last post. I had a little bit of writer’s block however the writers block appears to be gone for now. The reason why writers block is gone for now is due to my pronouns being disrespected by one of the peer specialist at the mental health agency I am a client at. I have attempted to have several conversations with this peer specialist about my pronouns as my pronouns are they/them. Sadly, my conversations have fallen on deaf ears or it appears like it from my end of things. While scrolling Facebook, I came across a meme that best describes what a person is saying or doing when you ignore a person’s pronouns. Below is the meme:

I am hoping this helps people reading my blog on the importance of using the correct pronouns for any given person. I say this because people have felt hopeless and unseen when others misgender them especially when it is done on purpose.

I do not have anything else to discuss in this particular blog post. I do want to thank you, the reader for reading my blog. It is greatly appreciated from my end of things that you the reader, read my blog.If it was not for you the reader, reading my blog, I would not be continuing to write my blog. Again, thank you from the bottom of my heart for reading my blog. Peace Out, World!!!

Not Liking Being Bullied

Good Afternoon, World!!! I am sitting here at my laptop frustrated with what is going on in a situation I rather not get into yet have to accept the reality that the person is going to get a way with shit. Long story short I am being bullied by another client at the mental health agency I go to and unfortunately, staff “can’t do anything about it” because they “haven’t witnessed it.” Same shit I experienced as a kid in school is now happening as an adult seeking treatment.

On a plus note members of my treatment team have witnessed some of the bullying regarding my gender identity and sexual orientation. They have seen enough that this individual was asked to not interact with me and was “barred” for two days for his bullying.

I am just frustrated with the fact of the shit this individual gets away with due to staff not being a witness. Some of the shit is disrespecting my pronouns. I just have to find a way to not be reactive to this. It’s my responsibility on how I don’t get reactive so he doesn’t get a rise out of me.

My response or reaction to others is something I will be working with the members of my treatment team. Hopefully, I can just learn to let go of things such as how I respond or react to things such as bullies.

Thank you for reading. Have a great day. Peace Out, World!!!!

Everyday Inspiration; Day 12: Critique a Piece of Work

Today’s topic is to critique a piece of art work or express my opinion on a topic. As someone who is extremely self critical I thought I would harshly critique my own art so I have decided to express my opinion on something.

Actually, what I want to discuss my opinion on is the importance of respecting people’s pronouns. Unfortunately, this one of the many issues that is dividing the United States at the moment and I personally think its sad.

Not everyone goes by the gender they were given at birth. I don’t go by female pronouns. Hell, I don’t go by male pronouns either. I go by they/them pronouns as I consider myself gender nonconforming or non binary.

So as you can tell this topic is near and dear to my heart. Many folks like myself are very passionate about this subject as we want to be respected like others. It’s important for the respect factor as well as many other factors. Factors that are stated below.

Why is it so important to respect people’s gender identity and preferred pronouns? Statistics show that 82% of transgender and non-conforming individuals don’t feel safe at work and/or school. The same stats show that 67% have been bullied online while 64% have had property destroyed. The effecting of being bullied especially regard gender identity are: six times more likely to be depressed; eight times more likely to attempt to die by suicide; and three times more likely to have a substance use disorder (SUD). To answer the question of why is it important to respect a person’s gender identity and pronouns is that it can literally safe someone’s life and is common courtesy to do so. It is also important that we respect each other as fellow human beings and that we value each other as individuals even if we don’t always get along.

Weekly Check-In

Hello, World!!! It’s officially Sunday in my neck of the woods. Normally, I do my weekly check-in on Saturdays however its not even an twenty minutes into Sunday in my part of the world.

On that note, lets get on with my weekly check-in. My week has been pretty uneventful. I attended my appointments and groups like usual. The major thing that I’ve been dealing with this week is that Friday was the one month anniversary of me loosing therapy services, while yesterday (Saturday) was an anniversary of a traumatic event.

With the two not so good anniversaries happening, didn’t stop me from starting on or working on a newsletter submission. The newsletter submission I am working on is for the newsletter of the clubhouse I am apart of.  The article I’m writing is about the importance of respecting peoples pronouns and gender identity. Part of the reason I chose to write about respecting peoples pronouns and gender identity is because I’ve been dealing with being disrespected with how I personally identify and how it is affecting my mental health and my recovery. I of course wont point out the individuals doing this nor say that it’s affecting my mental health or recovery. I’m doing to empower myself and others as well.

Thank you for reading my blog. It’s greatly appreciated. I hope everyone enjoys the rest of their weekend. Peace Out, World.


I don’t really know where to begin. After doing a (scheduled) phone “check-in” with my therapist, I realized that I have some built up emotions. For example, my therapist sounded a lil surprised that I prefer the pronouns, they/them and not she/her. Its never been an issue until recently.

It hasn’t been an issue until recently due to colleagues making assumptions of me. Assumptions that are getting to me. For instance, I talk a great deal about my fiancé, Junior a great deal and have accidently said boyfriend. When they hear boyfriend most of my colleagues assume that I am straight. Well, I am not straight. I am pansexual. There are quite  a few of other assumptions that I can share but I won’t for a multitude of reasons.

I realize that maybe I should start “correcting” people on their assumptions and especially the pronouns but sometimes its not worth it for me. Its not worth it because, I have come to accept that even if I do “correct” people they won’t always remember or won’t accept my preferred  pronouns. For me self acceptance is more important than acceptance of others. I say this because others are more likely to accept you if you accept yourself.

I appreciate the time you took to read my blog. I hope to have an honest, respectful and open dialog on the issue of pronouns. Again, thank you for reading. Peace Out!!