Everyday Inspiration; Day 3; One-Word Inspiration


I chose the word choice because we all have choices to make. Some are good and some are not so good. For example I had and interview for a job and told them yes when they offered me the job the next dey. I really ant this job; its the commute I am not not a big fan of. Even I have taken the job and haven’t started yet, I am still applying for other jobs that are closer to home and pay more.

Worse care scenario I make a decision of taking a job closer to home and pays more money. The think about this job that I took was be cause the HR lad who works there work at the job I was laid of from. In fact I admire her.

In all honesty I don’t ant to make the choice of making a job change especially if I haven’t started yet or just start the job. It is a choice I will have to decide on if it comes up.

Everyday Inspiration; Day 3: One-Word Inspiration


Choice is the word I chose to be my inspiration to write about. Choice is a loaded word. For me choice is the reason why I am here today. I made the choice to be in active recovery. I made the choice to continue living in Seattle where I have an awesome job helping others with their recovery journey and an amazing volunteer job where I help cats get their furrever homes.

To me being able to make my own choices helps me keep hope alive in my own self. It helps me keep the hope alive in myself because helps make the decisions or choices to stay in recovery. Staying in recovery is what is important to me. It’s important to me because I want to help others with their recovery. It’s important to me because I want to be here for my cat, Billie. It’s important to me because I want to make sure other cats get their furrever home. So the choice to stay in recovery is what keeps me alive. That’s why I chose the work choice. Life is nothing but choices.

Disappointment of the Christmas Holiday

Good Evening, World!!! I am greatly disappointed right now. My greatest wish that I have had since I was three was that both sides of my family would celebrate together with me. Sadly, this has never happened. My paternal grandfather over to drive me and my dad’s side to my moms side of the family to give me the one wish I have wanted since I was three, to have my family spend time with me so I wouldn’t have to do all the traveling. Sadly, my mom, brother and two uncles on my moms side refuse to get vaccinated while my dad, grandpa and two uncles on my dads side our vaccinated. Hell, I am vaccinated. My mom’s side doesn’t want to get vaccinated for personal reasons and I respect that. My grandpa isn’t willing to put his health or the health of my dad as risk. So I am very disappointed that other peoples choices are effecting the one Christmas wish I have wanted since I was three. I respect both sides of my families decision with their health choices. I just wish they would realize my Christmas wish is for both sides of my family to get together. Something that hasn’t happened since I was two years old. I am now 42. It’s be 40 years since both sides of my family were together for Christmas.

It’s very disappointing the my family has continued to not make my life long wish not come true and I am “the selfish one” for wanting this since I was three years old when my parents divorced the summer I was three years old. It should wasn’t my choice my parents divorced. I am lucky that my parents have remained friends.

I guess for me this pandemic know as Covid-19 has put my greatest Christmas wish to a halt. I respect everyone’s choices regarding their health I am disappointed my greatest Christmas hope isn’t going happened once again.

I do not have much more to say in this particular blog post. I do want to thank you for reading blog. It is greatly appreciated from my end of things that you the reader read my blog. If it wasn’t for you the reader, I would not be writing my blog. Again, thank you from the bottom of my heart for reading my blog. I hope you all have a great evening. Peace Out, World!!!

Everyday Inspiration; Day 3: One-Word Inspiration; Choice(s)

Today’s “assignment” for the Finding Everyday Inspiration course through WordPress is one word inspiration. I was given a choice of six words. One of the words I had to choose from is the word, choice. I chose the word choice because it was one of two words that stuck out to me from the six I had to choose from. Since, I’ve written a little about the other word that stuck out to me, I thought I would write about the word choice.

In fact if I really look at it, no matter what word, I would have chosen, I would ultimately be writing about the choice even the word was never brought up in the post. Life is nothing but series of choices. The choices we make throughout our lives has an effect on other peoples lives. Just like the choices of others have an effect on our lives. Whether we want to admit it or not, what we choose will not just effect you but effect others.

When I look back on my life, I realize the choice’s I’ve made may not have been the wisest of choices, I learned from them. I learned from the bad choice’s in my life to better myself. Yes, some of the not so good choices I made were because the symptoms of the mental health diagnosis were acting up, I still had (and have) the ability to make the choice to do what is right. The choices I’ve made even when I’m not doing well have shaped who I am today.

It shaped me into being a person who made a choice to be in recovery. A choice that nobody could make for me. A choice that was and is the best decision of my life.

Not all choices we make are bad. Some are good. Whether or not we our decisions are good or bad, the one thing I would like you to come out of this post is that the choices we make, just doesn’t effect us, it also effects others.

On that note, I will end this post. As, I end this blogs post I hope that you the reader of this blog that every choice you make, whether you like it or not will effect others. I hope everyone has a good weekend. Peace Out!!!

Happy Summer Solstice!!!

     Happy Summer Solstice!!! We all know what the summer solstice means. It means its the first day of summer and the longest day of the year. Today is also the first full day of my vacation. I will of course take advantage of the first day of summer as well as my first day of vacation.

     As some of you know that the lack of structure for people who struggle with a mental illness is not a good thing. The lack of structure can lead to symptoms acting up. That’s why I have to be vigilant when I am on vacation and don’t have anything really major planned. That’s why today I have to be vigilant because my boyfriend is working today and we usually plan to do things together.

     Since my boyfriend is working today and wont get off till tomorrow morning I plan on hanging out with some good friends. I plan on meeting up with two of my best friends at the Waterfront to eat at Red Robin. I love Red Robin. They have the best hamburgers in the world. My favorite Red Robin hamburger is the Whiskey River Barbeque Burger. Besides  planning on going to Red Robin with two of my best friends, one of them asked me and my other friend if we could go to (Catholic) Mass with her this evening. I might go because I’ve never been to a Catholic Mass. Plus my mom grew up Catholic so I guess it’s a part of my heritage and figure to see what its all about. (Side Note: When my parents got married they decided to not raise me in any particular religion because they both grew up in what they consider strict faiths. My dad grew up Mormon. My parents wanted me and still want me to choose my own religion even after they got divorced.) So if I go to mass, I plan on going to a local park to read after attending Mass. I am enjoying A Tale of Two Cities, immensely.

     Now that I have told you what I plan doing today, I will tell you all something. I am a little frustrated with myself right now. I don’t think I’m reaching as many people with this blog as I had hoped I would. Yes, I will continue to blog but I was kind of hoping that I would have more followers on my blog by now. I know it takes time and that I have only been doing this for about 3 weeks now. I just want to show people out there who are “normal” that those of us who struggle with mental illness can live everyday lives just like them in hopes that it will lessen the stigma of mental illness. I also hope that this blog shows those who do struggle mental illness that their is hope and that recovery is possible. All I want to do is lessen the stigma of mental illness and show those who are struggling that hope and recovery are out there. Maybe I shouldn’t be so hard on myself when it comes to this blogging thing especially since I am still new to it and trying to get into the groove of it and what people might be interested in reading.

     Now that I have bored you with the things in the blog entry I’m going to end it for now. Have a good Saturday every. Happy Summer Solstice everyone. I hope that you all enjoy the first day of summer and that the rest of your summer is fun.