Weekly Plans


  • Mindfulness meditation through the Calm App
  • Morning walk
  • Read
  • Art (color and/or rock painting)
  • Work on mental health recovery workbooks


  • Mindfulness meditation through the Calm App
  • Morning walk
  • Attend Emerald House (a mental health clubhouse)
  • Work on mental health recovery workbooks
  • Dinner with friends


  • Mindfulness meditation through the Calm App
  • Morning walk
  • Attend Emerald House (a mental health clubhouse)
  • Attend Queer Space (in person) group
  • Kickball practice
  • Work on mental health recovery workbooks


  • Mindfulness meditation through the Calm App
  • Morning walk
  • Emerald House virtual group
  • Attend (in person) WHAM group
  • Work on mental health recovery workbooks
  • Kickball practice


  • Mindfulness meditation through the Calm App
  • Sexual Health: An Essential Part of Recovery Training (virtual)
  • LGBTQ+ virtual group
  • Kickball practice
  • Work on mental health recovery workbooks


  • Mindfulness meditation through the Calm App
  • Morning walk
  • Attend Emerald House (a mental health clubhouse)
  • Virtual appointment with therapist
  • Dinner with friends
  • Work on mental health recovery workbooks


  • Mindfulness meditation through the Calm App
  • Morning walk
  • Kickball game
  • Work on mental health recovery books
  • Read
  • Art (color and/or rock painting)

Lack of Sleep & Other Thoughts

It is five o’clock in the morning Seattle time and still haven’t slept yet. Good ole insomnia is kicking my ass tonight. That besides the point. Today’s my brother’s birthday and I made him a care package but I don’t where to send it as has done his disappearing act again.

Anyway I took a four hour training on First Aid, CPR and AED. I needed the first aid and CPR for work and found out if I’m strained on AED I get a raise so yeah me. On that note the four training could have been down in two hours but that is my opinion.

I better try and get some sleep. Peace Out, World!!!

Weekly Check-In

Hello, World!!! It’s been a long week. It’s been a long week. It started with me volunteering on Sunday as I normally do. We were slammed due to it being “kitten season.” The place I volunteer at has a super sweet lovable senior kitty who surprisingly hasn’t been adopted yet.

Then I started my job on Monday. It’s been a week full of training and my brain hurts from everything I learned this past week. Best part was having yesterday (Friday) off so I did an extra volunteer shift. I love me some kitten time but I love my Billie so much.

Then today I took a training to get certified in First Aid and CPR which is required by my employer. I had to pay for the training but I’m okay with that especially since it included AED training. To find out, I will get a “few cent raise” for the AED training or so I’m told. Weather or not I get the raise having all three certifications will help make me more employable.

All I need to do now is get my food handler’s permit and I am all set in what I need which will be easy to attain since I needed one for working at Safeway. On that note I just realized I need to show proof on auto insurance but since I don’t have a car I don’t have any. I still might have to get it if I’m required to drive a company car but if that is the case then I get to use auto insurance for tax purpose’s then.

Have a great rest of your weekend and Peace Out, World!!!

Everyday Inspiration; Day 12: Critique a Piece of Work

I don’t have anything to critique at the moment. This will be a very short post. I will say that my critique would be my new job and the great way they are doing training. My new employer is doing an awesome job with training and is willing to be accommodable to those of us living with a disability. So far I give the training an A.

Mixture of Feelings Going Oz About the New Job

Today, I had to go to an in person training for HR and IT stuff. Now I need to do some online training. Most of it through Relias. There is know why I can get 20ish hours down by 4:30ish to morning especially when I have other online trainings going on tomorrow. I have training on Wednesday and Thursday but nothing on Friday so I asked for a disability accommodation to finish the Relias training on Friday since I have nothing going on Friday. Worse case scenario I get up early to do the Relias training. I still think I’m going to do a good job at this work. Its just getting through the training.

Weekly Plans


  • Mindfulness Meditation Practice
  • Walk
  • Volunteer a PAW Cat City
  • Read Comic Books


  • Mindfulness Meditation Practice
  • Walk
  • Attend a Training via Zoom  on De-escalation
  • Spend tie with Billie
  • Pick up grandpa from airport from honor flight


  • Mindfulness Meditation Practice
  • Walk
  • Read Comic Books
  • Work
  • Spend time with Billie, my cat


  • Mindfulness Meditation Practice
  • Walk
  • Work
  • Spend time with my cat Billie while reading comic books


  • Mindfulness Meditation Practice
  • Walk
  • Work
  • Spend time with cat Billie while reading Comic Books


  • Mindfulness Meditation Practice
  • Walk
  • Work
  • Spend time with my cat Billie while reading comic books


  • Mindfulness Meditation Practice
  • Walk
  • Read Comic Books while cuddling with my cat Billie

Fighting Off Depression & PTSD

Hello, World!!! At this moment in time I am struggling with the symptoms of both my Depression and PTSD. I am not sure why the symptoms of my PTSD and Depression are acting up but they are. I wish I was not struggling with Depression or PTSD at the moment or ever but sadly both are a part of my life.

Since I am dealing with Depression and PTSD symptoms I am doing a variety of things to help not make the symptoms get worse are at least that is my hope. Right now I have been focusing on getting things together for a peer conference I will be attending on August 27th and August 28th however I will be arriving August 26th as I will be volunteering once again at this particular conference. I have attended every except the first year. So that means, I have volunteered at the second and third year it occurred and now am volunteering at the fourth annual Peer Pathways Conference. I am preparing for the conference by making my travel plans and booking a spot on an Amtrak train. I love taking the train. Another thing I am taking care of is making sure my cat, Lil Gertie, will be taken care of. Thankfully, I have secured a reservation for an Amtrak train and have secured a cat sitter for my cat, Lil Gertie. So, I am looking forward to this conference as many of the seminars, happen to be training’s that will be helpful for my career as a Peer Counselor even though I am not currently employed as one at the moment. The best part of this conference is that it is totally free for me since I am volunteering. Well, the conference, food, and hotel stay are free but I have to pay for my own travel which is okay with me. I will be going to the Amtrak station tomorrow to purchase my train ticket for my travels to the conference in a week. When I am at the conference I will miss my cat, Lil Gertie a great deal but she will be in good hands.

Speaking of cats, Lil Gertie, has been a great help with dealing with the symptoms of both my PTSD and Depression. She has been extra snugly and cuddly today which is something I have been need all day. I love the way she just lays on my chest and purrs. Having, Lil Gertie pick up on the signs when I am struggling is great because she didn’t need any training to do so and I haven’t had her since a kitten which means when I adopted her last year, she was meant to be my emotional support cat.

Another thing I have been doing to help combat my PTSD and Depression is doing homework for the writing class I am taking. I am really enjoying the writing class as it is focusing on characters and later scenes and now it is not a play writing class. I am enjoying the fact that I am learning different types of characters and how they play a part in a story. Maybe I can share one of my homework assignments with you later on in the writing course I am taking.

Besides writing another creative way I have been trying to reduce my Depression and PTSD symptoms is art work. The genre of art I have been focusing on besides writing is coloring. Coloring has been quite helpful for me and plan on giving away the stuff I color away as gifts. I will be framing the finished coloring projects so people can put it on their walls. I love to color and have been coloring since I was a kid. I got made fun of as a teenager because I continued to color and now “adult coloring” is a thing and it is something I never stopped doing. Coloring relaxes me.

I don’t have much more to say because I would end up repeating myself and nobody wants that. I want to thank you so much for reading my blog. It is greatly appreciated from my end of things that you read my blog. Again, thank you from the bottom of my heart for reading my blog. I hope everyone has a great week ahead. Peace Out, World!!!

A Workplace Post

Good Morning, World!!! As I type this post, I am at work. I am bored half out of my mind and freezing but at least I have someone to keep me company as the shelter guest sleep. I am an On-Call Shelter Counselor at a young adult shelter here in Seattle and love my job for the most part. I really don’t like being on-call but hey, its a job. As I mentioned earlier I have someone to keep me company as I am training someone. I didn’t know I was training this person till I arrived to work. I am just shocked that my supervisor is having me train the new person as I am only an on-call person and don’t work very often. In fact the last time I took a shift was back in late November. The new person appears to be cool and has connected well with some of the shelter guest which is awesome.

In all honesty I would rather be at home in my own bed asleep at the moment. I am not tired at this moment in time as I slept really well during the day on Sunday as I knew I had to work a shift. I just don’t like when my sleep schedule gets all fucked up as I already have trouble sleeping.

Another reason why I was at home is primarily because of the weather. It is currently snowing in Seattle. I highly dislike the snow. I am not sure why but I have a few idea but won’t share them with you as I do not want to bore you. I not only don’t like the snow, I don’t like the cold weather. It is suppose to get windy and heavier snow later today (Monday) which sucks shit.

As much as I don’t like the news about windy, snowy weather for today (Monday), I am looking forward to hopefully hearing back from my employment specialist and/or the hiring manager of the peer job I applied for to see if I get an interview in the next week or two. I say this because I want and need a job that has a more stable schedule. Having a job that is only on-call sucks but I am grateful to have a job.

I do not have much more to say in this particular post. I hope to post later on today when I am off work and well rested after working a twelve hour shift at night. I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for reading my blog. It is greatly appreciated. Peace Out, World!!!

11:00 pm Randomness

Hello, World!!! It is eleven o’clock at night in my corner of the world. I went to a work training this evening and enjoyed it immensely. Talking about work I was asked earlier today (Wednesday) if I could cover someone’s shift tomorrow (Thursday) night and I said yes. I need the hours and extra money. It is going to be my first shift by myself and I am okay with that. At least I know that there will be two other staff members downstairs managing the emergency shelter that if I need help that I will be able to get it. So, even though I am sleepy right now and could maybe fall asleep, I am trying to stay up all night so I can sleep tomorrow during the day. Like I have said before my shifts are at night. They are from 8:00 pm to 8:00 am. So, I figure if I stay awake tonight I can sleep tomorrow and manage to stay awake during my twelve hour night shift tomorrow (Thursday).

Besides attending a training for work today, I also went to a group therapy session. The group was about communication. I enjoyed the group and I plan on going to it next Wednesday. I am hoping it will help me with my communication skills especially when it comes to health communication.

I not only attended group therapy, I saw my therapist today. We discussed the assault that happened to me at the hospital a few days ago. We also discussed the shooting that happened in front of my apartment building earlier today. We discussed how both can affect my mental health specifically my PTSD.  I really like my therapist and he is really good at his job.

Before I forget I emailed my supervisor and three others from work regarding my disability without divulging too much about it. I discussed with them in the email two my accommodations and will let them know my other accommodations by November 2nd which is in a week and two days. I am proud of myself for letting my employer know about my disability and my needs regarding my disability.

I need to figure out away to stay up all night or at least most of the night so I can sleep during the day tomorrow (Thursday) so I can work effectively Thursday night into Friday morning.  So, if I post a great deal tonight, it is because I am trying to stay awake and not sleep. It will have nothing to do with not being able to not sleep. Who knew blogging would help me stay awake for me to sleep during the day.

Well, I am sure I will be blogging again later tonight. Not sure what I will be blogging about later on but I am sure some of it will be a bunch bullshit nobody really wants to read or hear about. So I hope that the blogging through the night will not only help me but help you my reader.

Thank you for reading my blog. It is greatly appreciated from my end of things. It means a lot to me from the bottom of my heart. Again, thank you for reading. I hope all of you have a good nights sleep as I attempt to stay awake so I can sleep during the day tomorrow (Thursday) so I can stay awake for work Thursday night. Good night everyone. Peace Out, World

More Tuesday Randomness

Hello, once again, World!!! As I mentioned to you in my last two post I slept most of the day due to being in the hospital most of the night last night. Well, I am still quite sleepy and might go to be early. It is only 8:45 in the evening in my corner of the world. So after I am done posting this post I might call it a night.

As many tomorrow is Wednesday and I have a busy day. My day will start with me going to a phone bank to volunteer. Yes, I said phone bank. What I am going to be doing at the phone bank is calling people to remind people to vote. Specifically, asking individuals to vote for certain politicians. Yes, I am volunteering for a particular political party which I won’t disclose due to not wanting to start a political battle on my blog. I just feel like this years mid term elections are extremely import this year. More so than any other mid term election.

After I am done volunteering at the political phone bank I am going to my local mental health agency to not only see my therapist but attend a communications group. I would have saw my therapist today but I slept most of the day due to being in the emergency room all night last night and needed the sleep. Since I am going to be going to see my therapist tomorrow I might as well as attend a new group on healthy communication. I figure that I can always learn something new about communication as I don’t communicate very well at times. So, I’ll be seeing my therapist and attending group therapy.

After attending group and seeing my therapist I will be going out to dinner with some from friends. We are not sure where we are going yet. We just know we are not going to Red Robin even though I would prefer to go to Red Robin.  All I know is I am looking forward to spending time with friends while enjoying some good food.

After a semi early dinner with friends, I will be going to a work training tomorrow evening. I am looking forward to the training as the training is something I haven’t really learned about in previous work training’s at previous employers. The one thing I need to do is look at my work email tomorrow morning so I am all caught up on work related stuff. I am looking forward to the training.

Now that I have informed you on what I am going to do tomorrow, Wednesday, I want to kindly remind you of something which I have already done recently. That reminder is that I have advertisements on my blog. I have those advertisements on my blog to earn some extra money even if it is a few extra cents. Every times someone clicks an advertisement (and lets it fully load), I can earn as little as a few cents or as much as a couple of dollars. I know it doesn’t sound like much but each penny counts.  It will help buy gift for family and friends for the upcoming holiday season despite what holiday they celebrate. So please do this blogger a good thing so I can give gifts to those who love and care about me. It would mean a great deal to me if you are able to click on an ad once or twice a week if not more.

Thank you so very much from the bottom of my heart for reading my blog. It means a great deal to me that I have people who read my blog. You all mean the world to me. So thank you for reading my blog again. I hope everyone has a great rest of their Tuesday. Peace Out, World!!!